The Fall of Sky: Part One

The Fall of Sky: Part One Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Fall of Sky: Part One Read Online Free PDF
Author: Alexia Purdy
keep the rhythm, for a blind man. I swung my view back toward the crowd beyond the glaring stage lights. Some women were grinding against their lovers; some were in the dark crevices of the room, deeply buried within their kisses and feeling up on each other. It was definitely a sexual song, and the room had gotten the gist of it.
    It made the room temperature rise as we continued on−a sure sign that it had been well accepted. I hungrily scanned the room as I strummed the guitar, looking for someone to quench my own thirst. Normally, Audrey would sway me from grabbing the first good looking guy I saw and keep me out of trouble when I was intoxicated. Not tonight. I wouldn’t let her. Tonight, I had a fire building up inside me, and it needed something to burn, someone to devour with every fiber of my being. I was on the hunt, and this was going to be fun.

Chapter Six
    THE MORNING SUN spiked its light through the well-worn curtains, peeking through the thicker, black-out set which laid an inch open, no matter how much one tried to keep the ends together. Unfortunately, the beam of sun sat gingerly across my eyelids, and I felt the burn of my retinas jerk me awake.
    Sleep dusted across my eyes, and I rubbed it away as I sat up, wondering suddenly what time it was. Flicking them toward the red numbers on the nightstand alarm clock, cheap motel standard issued, I groaned and plopped back onto the pillow, grabbing the second one on the other side of the bed and smothering myself with it.
    Wait a minute. Where’s Liv?
    Throwing the soft, bleach scented pillow off, I sat back up again and studied the empty, not slept-in, other side of the bed I occupied. Turning back toward the inside of the room, I studied the lump sprawled across the second queen bed. Saul was softly snoring, and I spied the smooth olive skin peeking from under the sheet, which barely covered him. He looked like he might be sleeping in the nude, making me swallow as I averted my eyes.
    Great Jehoshaphat! I hope he’s wearing boxers under there.
    Shaking the adrenaline shock off, I yanked the blanket off and went to lean against the warm windowsill. The motel parking lot sat half abandoned, people already having rushed to whatever business they were up to and leaving only a handful of cars spread across the lot, our old station wagon included. It looked neglected, dusty with a film of nasty stuck to it, making it obvious it hadn’t been washed in months. If the state of the car was any kind of indication of the state of our lives, I was going to have to start praying again, with retro prayers to make up for the months I’d been way out of touch, and especially with Liv being the way she is.
    After scanning the parking lot, I saw no sign of her. Frowning, I gave the curtains a good pull, sending a small amount of dust into the air. Flipping my suitcase open, I pulled out an outfit and headed for the bathroom, grumbling about Liv the entire time. Saul shifted in his sleep but didn’t awaken, letting me know to tone it down a bit.
    Still. Where the hell was she? I was going to kill her when she hopped back over here. She was always doing crap like this, disappearing for days without any kind of warning or letting me know where she was. It worried the bejesus out of me, but I knew sooner or later, she’d come waltzing right back into the motel room, flop onto the bed and sigh happily, as though nothing had occurred and she was living the good life.
    The blast of hot water was soothing and cleared the fogginess of the early morning out of my head. I didn’t deserve this. It was ridiculous how much she took my concern of her for granted. A soft growl vibrated in my throat at the thought of it, and I slammed the water off. Finishing up in the bathroom and all dressed for the day, I walked back into the room to find Saul awaiting his turn in the shower.
    “Hi, Audrey.” His smile made me slow down the hard yanking I was doing on my
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