Justice Is Always Ready (A Graham Family Story, 1)
Thank you for giving me a
second chance. Let me walk you to your car.”
    They gathered everything in moments
and Kassidy couldn’t help but smile all over again when he reached
for her hand. She continued to watch him out of the corner of her
eye while they walked. At her car, Kassidy loaded up Libby and
faced him.
    Justice trapped her between himself
and the side of her car, one hand on either side of her. “Give me
your number.”
    “ Want to write it
    His gaze dropped to her mouth briefly.
“I’ll remember.”
    She rattled off her cell number,
painfully aware of how his body felt against hers.
    “ I have to tell you,
Kassidy,” he pressed closer, and his lips skimmed along her jaw
before he met her gaze again, “I can’t remember a more pleasurable
day. Thank you.”
    Her brain wasn’t working. It took her
a few moments to find the words. “I had a wonderful time,
    He pulled out his phone and entered
what she presumed to be her number. When her phone vibrated seconds
later, she jumped. Flipping it open, she stared at him. “Do you
want me to answer it?”
    He winked. “I bet you have one hell of
a phone voice.”
    Kassidy snorted, then saved his
number. “Have a safe trip and a fun one.”
    “ I look forward to seeing
you when I get home.”
    “ Guess I better study up
on my navigation skills.”
    Lips a hair’s breadth from hers he
uttered, “I wouldn’t mind too terribly getting lost with you.” He
kissed her until she melted into him. “Nope, not a’tall. Good
night, my sweet Kassidy. Call me when you get home so I know you
made it.”
    Electricity poured through her and was
more than slightly distracting. So it took a minute for his low
command to sink in. “What? Why am I calling you?”
    His eyes glinted with determination.
“I’m a man, sweets. I want to make sure you make it home safe. So
either your word you’ll call or I follow you and make sure for
    Kassidy swallowed at the possessive
look he gave her, as well as the quality to his tone. “Okay, I’ll
call. Drive carefully.”
    Justice held her door for her and
brushed her cheek with his knuckles. He didn’t say a word, but he
didn’t have to. Kassidy felt branded by the heat in his stare. Even
when she and Libby entered the house her body still felt
hypersensitive. Her phone was in her hand as she let Libby
    Justice answered on the first ring.
“Hello, my beautiful Kassidy.”
    Warmth flowed throughout her and she
sighed contentedly at his words.
    * * * *
    “ Uh oh, this isn’t good. I
know that look. Who is she?”
    Justice turned from the baggage
carousel and grinned when he spotted the person the voice belonged
    “ Runt!” he exclaimed
affectionately and hauled her in close for a hug. “God, it’s so
good to see you.”
    Jasira hugged him back just as
fiercely. He was very close to his twin and had missed her
    “ You, too.” She looked at
him and smiled, her eyes sparkling with more than a hint of
mischief. “Now dish. Who is she?”
    “ Can’t a brother get his
luggage first?”
    Jasira sighed loudly and
dramatically. “That’s right. See I forgot, I thought I was being visited by my
brother who actually has the ability to multitask. Apparently I am getting
the officer, who can’t .” Another overdramatic sigh. “Fine, I’ll carry your bag.
Wouldn’t want you to strain your brain.”
    He kicked her lightly in the ass.
“Watch it, runt.”
    “ Ohhh, see they have rules
against abusing your power. Stop hitting a noncom.” She hefted the
duffle effortlessly from the conveyor belt and shook it. “Did you
bring me some of mama’s cookin’?”
    “ Yeah,” he retorted drily.
“I forewent clothing, packed yah a roast instead.” He grunted when
she hit him square in the chest with the bag. Justice laughed,
tossed it over his shoulder and dropped his other arm around her.
“I’ve missed you.”
    “ Missed you, too, big
    They walked out
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