The Face of Deception
whispered. It could be pretty bad. People dont fork out over a mil-lion dollars for something like this if theyre even slightly on the up-and-up. I have to tell him no.

But Mandy couldnt answer. None of the dead could answer.

But the living could, and Logan had counted on her listening to the call.

Damn him.

Logan leaned back in the drivers seat, his gaze on Eve Duncans small clapboard house.

Was it enough?

Possibly. She had definitely been tempted. She had a passionate commitment to finding lost children and he had played on it as skillfully as he could.

What kind of man did that make him? he thought wearily.

A man who needed to get the job done. If she didnt succumb to his offer, hed go higher tomorrow.

She was tougher than hed thought shed be. Tough and smart and perceptive. But she had an Achilles heel.

And there was no doubt on earth that he would exploit it.

He just drove off, Fiske said into his digital phone. Should I follow him?

No, we know where hes staying. He saw Eve Duncan?

She was home all evening and he stayed over four hours.

Timwick cursed. Shes going to go for it.

I could stop her, Fiske said.

Not yet. She has friends in the police depart-ment. We dont want to make waves.

The mother?

Maybe. It would certainly cause a delay at least. Let me think about it. Stay there. Ill call you back.

Scared rabbit, Fiske thought contemptuously. He could hear the nervousness in Timwicks voice. Timwick was always thinking, hesitating instead of taking the clean, simple way. You had to decide what result you needed and then just take the step that would bring that result. If he had Timwicks power and resources, there would be no limit to what he could do. Not that he wanted Timwicks job. He liked what he did. Not many people found their niche in life as he had.

He rested his head on the back of the seat, staring at the house.

It was after midnight. The mother should be re-turning soon. Hed already unscrewed the porch light. If Timwick called him right away, he might not have to go into the house.

If the prick could make up his mind to do the smart, simple thing and let Fiske kill her.


"You know youre going to do it, Mama, Bonnie said. I dont understand why youre worrying so much.

Eve sat up in bed and looked at the window seat. When she came, Bonnie was always in the window seat with her jean-clad legs crossed I dont know any such thing.

You wont be able to help yourself. Trust me.

Since youre only my dream, you cant know more than what I know.

Bonnie sighed. Im not your dream. Im a ghost, Mama. What do I have to do to convince you? Being a ghost shouldnt be this hard

You can tell me where you are.

I dont know where he buried me. I wasnt there anymore.


Mandy doesnt know either. But she likes you.

If shes there with you, then whats her real name.

Names dont matter anymore to us, Mama.

They matter to me.

Bonnie smiled. Because you probably need to put a name to love. Its really not necessary.

Very profound for a seven-year-old

Well, for goodness sake, its been ten years. Stop trying to trap me. Who says a ghost doesnt grow up? I couldnt stay seven forever.

You look the same.

Because Im what you want to see. She leaned back against the alcove wall. Youre working too hard, Mama. Ive been worrying about you. Maybe this job with Logan will be good for you.

Im not taking the job.

Bonnie smiled

Im not, Eve repeated.

Whatever. Bonnie was staring out the window. You were thinking about me and the honeysuckle tonight I like it when you feel good about me.

Youve told me that before.

So Im repeating it You were hurting too much in the beginning. I couldnt get near you.hellip;

Youre not near me now. Youre only a dream.

Am I? Bonnie looked back at her, and a loving smile lit her face. Then you wont mind if your dream stays around a little longer? Sometimes I get so lone-some for you, Mama.

Bonnie. Love. Here.

Oh, God, here.

It didnt matter that it was a dream.

Yes, stay,
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