sustaining and enjoying a more fulfilling sex life. Good sex is not only about well-functioning genitals. In fact, many of the blocks to vibrant sex as people age reside in other parts of the body. You have more options in sex, for instance, if you have a strong, flexible spine. Certain sexual positions require good arm or leg strength. Sustained sexual encounters require good cardiovascular health and endurance. The more energy you put into keeping your body fit, the more it can reward you with the capacity for vigorous sexual satisfaction.
Regular exercise does more than just keep you in shape. There are numerous other benefits as well. Exercise helps to relax tense muscles, allowing you to better luxuriate in soft, sensual sex. Staying fit also helps with overall relaxation, which can help you sleep better. And since being too tired is one of the most common reasons to miss out on sex, better sleep may directly improve your love life.
Most importantly, regular exercise increases testosterone levels. Testosterone is a hormone that is known to have a strong impact on the human sex drive. In fact, doctors prescribe testosterone to some women as a treatment for a low libido. Exercise naturally increases testosterone levels, while improving just about every other system in your body.
Many people report noticeable increases in sexual desire, activity, and enjoyment simply as a result of beginning to exercise regularly. Integrate this habit into your life and notice a big shift in your overall mood and enjoyment of sex.
Here are some tips on how to safely bring aerobic activity into your daily life:
Choose an activity that you find enjoyable and that does not cause you any pain.
Start out at a slow, comfortable, and steady pace.
Increase your workout's intensity and duration in stages in order to reap the greatest benefits with the fewest risks.
Plan a workout schedule you know you can adhere to.
Maximize your comfort and safety by selecting quality equipment and attire for the activity.
Encourage your lover, friends, or family to join you.
Challenge yourself by setting reasonable short and long-term goals, and celebrate every success along the way.
Stress Reduction
Accumulated stress can affect your overall mood greatly and take a toll on your sex life. It's hard to enjoy sex when you can't relax. Unfortunately, many people live very stressful lives. Their bodies are constantly in a state of alertness that biologists call the fight or flight response , the body's reaction to a perceived danger or threat. During this reaction, hormones such as cortisol and adrenalin are released. These cause the heart to speed up and digestion to slow, redirecting blood flow to major muscle groups and giving the body a burst of energy and strength, preparing it to be able to fight or run away when faced with danger. This response is normally followed by the relaxation response, which returns all systems to normal.
In modern life, however, the fight or flight response is often activated in countless daily activities such as driving, parenting, being a student, earning a living, dealing with bosses and co-workers, and paying the bills. Many people live their lives bombarded by stressful situations and encounters, and the relaxation response has a hard time keeping up with all of the demands. Depending on the number and degree of stressful situations in your life, you may have accumulated stress in your body-mind. Sometimes people are so accustomed to being in a state of fight or flight that they are not even aware of their high levels of background stress.
Don't let stress get in the way of your orgasms! Stress affects your libido and has an impact on your hormonal and neurotransmitter levels. If you are having difficulty with orgasms, stress could be the reason. Monitor your ability to orgasm and take steps to reduce stress in your life.
Sadly, people often resort to relieving stress in unhealthy ways. In the long run, this ends up