The Encyclopedia of Serial Killers

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Book: The Encyclopedia of Serial Killers Read Online Free PDF
Author: Michael Newton
Tags: General, True Crime, Murder, Serial Killers
suffered by Chaib and Gonzalez to por-abducted from her home on June 22, the night before traits of disfigured women painted by surrealist Sal-her seventh birthday, bringing federal agents into the vador Dalí. The link was strengthened, some said, by case. The following day, 10-year-old Aaron Wyche was the late artist’s comment that he “sprang to attention reported missing by his family. Searchers found his with joy and ecstasy” when he passed Perpignan’s rail-body on June 24, lying beneath a railroad trestle, his way depot. The crimes in France remained unsolved neck broken. Originally dubbed an accident, Aaron’s when this work went to press.
    death was subsequently added to the growing list of See also GROUPIES
    dead and missing blacks.
    Anthony Carter, age nine, disappeared while playing near his home on July 6, 1980; recovered the following ATLANTA “Child Murders”
    day, he was dead from multiple stab wounds. Earl Ter-The curious and controversial string of deaths that rell joined the list on July 30, when he vanished from a sparked a two-year reign of terror in Atlanta, Georgia, public swimming pool. Skeletal remains discovered on has been labeled “child murders,” even though a sus-January 9, 1981, would yield no clues about the cause pect—ultimately blamed for 23 of 30 “official” homi-of death.
    cides—was finally convicted only in the deaths of two Next up on the list was 12-year-old Clifford Jones, adult ex-convicts. Today, nearly two decades after that snatched off the street and strangled on August 20.
    suspect’s arrest, the case remains, in many minds, an With the recovery of his body in October, homicide unsolved mystery.
    detectives interviewed five witnesses who named his Investigation of the case began, officially, on July 28, killer as a white man, later jailed in 1981 on charges of 1979. That afternoon, a woman hunting empty cans attempted rape and sodomy. Those witnesses provide and bottles in Atlanta stumbled on a pair of corpses, details of the crime consistent with the placement and carelessly concealed in roadside undergrowth. One vic-condition of the victim’s body, but detectives chose to tim, shot with a .22-caliber weapon, was identified as ignore their sworn statements, listing Jones with other 14-year-old Edward Smith, reported missing on July 21.
    victims of the “unknown” murderer.
    The other was 13-year-old Alfred Evans, last seen alive Darren Glass, an 11-year-old, vanished near his on July 25; the coroner ascribed his death to “proba-home on September 14, 1980. Never found, he joins the ble” asphyxiation. Both dead boys, like all of those to list primarily because authorities don’t know what else come, were African-American.
    to do with his case. October’s victim was Charles 7

    ATLANTA “Child Murders”
    Walker, was strangled on February 19 and found the same day. Joseph Bell, 16, was asphyxiated on March 2.
    Timothy Hill, on March 11, was recorded as a drowning victim.
    On March 30, Atlanta police added their first adult victim to the list of murdered children. He was Larry Rogers, 20, linked with younger victims by the fact that he had been asphyxiated. No cause of death was determined for a second adult victim, 21-year-old Eddie Duncan, but he made the list anyway, when his body was found on March 31. On April 1, ex-convict
    Michael McIntosh, age 23, was added to the roster on grounds that he, too, had been asphyxiated.
    By April 1981, it seemed apparent that the “child murders” case was getting out of hand. Community critics denounced the official victims list as incomplete and arbitrary, citing cases like the January 1981 murder of Faye Yearby to prove their point. Like “official” victim Angel Lenair, Yearby was bound to a tree by her killer, hands behind her back; she had been stabbed to death, like four acknowledged victims on the list.
    Despite those similarities, police rejected Yearby’s case on grounds that (a) she was a female—as
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