The Eagle and the Fox (A Snowy Range Mystery, #1)

The Eagle and the Fox (A Snowy Range Mystery, #1) Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: The Eagle and the Fox (A Snowy Range Mystery, #1) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Nya Rawlyns
Tags: thriller, Suspense, Crime, Native American, Gay Fiction, western romance, contemporary gay suspense
    “Will told me last night, when I asked about Pet’s new beau, that there’d been some trouble lately over by Toller’s Ditch.”
    “At the guest ranch?”
    “Yeah. Mostly mischief. Some shit stolen. Fence down. Usual stuff.”
    What Barnes said didn’t sound exactly earthshattering. There wasn’t a lot to do in the area on a Saturday night, especially for kids who’d spent every waking hour either in school or working their asses off with chores. Now and then things got out of control, especially if the teens got their hands on beer or liquor. They’d been lucky lately, avoiding the drug problems and some gang-related stuff going down around the University in Laramie. But Laramie and points east weren’t the only source of their problems.
    Marcus asked, “You think it’s the usual suspects?”
    “That’s what I asked Will. He says it ain’t nobody he knows. Could be some vagrants passing through. God knows, ever since they opened the oil fields up north, it’s been a fucking stampede through here.”
    Marcus felt the familiar squeeze in his gut thinking on the kind of trouble that could come their way. There was a reason they kept an eye on strangers. Up until recently most folks were passing through, heading to the recreational areas in the Snowys. They’d stop, take a photo with their cameras or phones, grab a bite at Polly’s and move on, leaving the residents of Centurion undisturbed from their normal routines. But there’d been enough times when they’d been blindsided to keep them all just a little on the wary side.
    Gossip about the usual stuff didn’t merit being dragged into a corner by a man not prone to getting his knickers in a twist over teenage misdemeanors. God only knew, Barnes' two boys were a handful and had had their fair share of dressing down. The fact that Will had thought to mention it, especially in light of how Petilune had been acting, might be reason to investigate further.
    Marcus said, “I see what you’re saying, John. I can talk to Petilune, see what’s up. But, you know as well as I do, if you push too hard, that girl’s gonna clam up so tight we’ll never get anything out of her.” And the last thing he wanted was for the kid to up and decide she didn’t need to be his housekeeper and galley slave in the store, leaving him high and dry and the girl at the mercy of a woman who thought nothing of offering her up to the highest bidder.
    The matter seemed to require a little delicacy, not exactly his strong suit.
    Barnes pointed in the direction of a dust cloud making its way up the slope. “Looks like the preacher’s here.”
    They both stared with curiosity to see the man billed as the best reverend to hit the circuit in years. Marcus grumbled, “I hope to hell he’s better than the last one. Swear to God, that man made my ears bleed.”
    “I hear he’s young, fresh out of seminary school. And he sings like an angel. So I’m told.”
    Marcus and John grinned. It explained the frenzy of gingham and Sunday best converging on the black SUV. As the man stepped onto the dusty lot, he swept a hand through curly dark brown hair, settled a Stetson on his head, and graced his congregation with a brilliant smile.
    Marcus thought, I’m too old for twinks, but hell’s bells...
    John chuckled. “I’d best check on those ribs, then see to staking a claim up front. Marge ain’t gonna be happy if she’s stuck in the back today.” Tipping his hat, he hustled down the steps and bore left around the building, heading for the pavilion and the picnic area.
    Since he had completed all his chores, Marcus wandered inside to make sure the seating was adequate for the turn-out. He was about to join his friend at the line of grills, when a hand tugged on his shirt sleeve. He startled and spun, almost knocking over Petilune.
    “Hey kiddo.” He looked around, expecting to see Janice and the two boys.
    Anticipating the question, the girl chirped, “Ma’s coming. She
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