They’d found a much larger number of walkers than expected for such a small town. The tall captain with the salt-and-pepper hair took the opportunity to stretch and twist and get rid of some aches from staying in one place too long.
He noticed the sweeper team loading their last clips of ammunition when one of the men turned to the captain. “Cap, alarm on the stairwell.”
“Understood.” Powell activated his throat mic. “Ranger One, Echo Six. We have a stage two alert. Request evac.” He paused when there was no response. “Repeat, Ranger One, Echo Six. We have a stage two alert. Contact imminent. Request immediate evac.”
Powell scanned the horizon in a full circle, then scanned it again with his binocs. Their helo was nowhere to be seen.
“Spotters, visual check for Ranger One.” The spotters swept the area as the snipers continued firing at the remaining walkers converging on the building. “Nest, Echo Six. Ranger One is not responding and is not on station. Request emergency evac.”
“Copy, Echo Six. We show Ranger One in your area. Confirm no visual on Ranger One.”
As he turned to the other spotters, both were shaking their heads, their faces pale. “Confirm no visual on Ranger One, Nest. Repeat, no visual on Ranger One.”
“Roger, Echo Six. Fast mover scrambled, Ranger Four inbound to your position. ETA seven minutes.”
“Nest, roger on fast mover, Ranger Four inbound. Out.” He turned back to his men. “Prepare secondary positions!” Organized and well trained, the men fell back to the middle of the roof and took up guard positions in a semicircle around the roof door. Suddenly, there was a moan, and the captain spun around. “Fire in the hole!”
The soldiers turned aside or ducked, depending on their location, just as a massive explosion shook the building. The roof access door flew off and spun out over the edge, where it fell clanging to the street below. As they once more readied themselves, they could see the blackened and twisted metal inside the stairwell and the congealed blood that coated the walls. They also heard more moans echoing inside.
The first of the walkers climbed upward, and they saw it was shredded from the waist down and almost all head and arms. The chest was gone below where the heart would’ve been, along with the rest of its body. Powell stepped forward and blew it apart with a quick shotgun blast.
“Nest, Echo Six. Stage One alert. We are engaged.” There were more shots as the zombies lumbered up the stairs, wedging themselves against each other in an attempt to get to the soldiers.
“Roger Echo Six, Ranger Four ETA two mikes.”
There was a crackle and squeal in the soldier’s earpieces. “—ger One, evac approaching. Repeat, Ranger One, evac en route, ETA one mike.”
Powell snarled, blowing another walker’s head apart in a welter of gore. “Prepare for emergency evac!” He readied a grenade as his team prepared to board the incoming chopper. “Grenade!” he cried, throwing the weapon straight into the stairwell, where it bounced several steps and then out of view. As he threw, Powell glanced up and saw the Blackhawk coming in with extraction ropes and harnesses ready.
He let the now-empty shotgun fall, and the straps tying it to his combat vest kept it within reach. He drew his pistol just as the grenade exploded, showering the stairs with shrapnel. A small sliver of metal flew outward to embed itself in his cheek, but he ignored the pain and destroyed yet another walker coming up the wrecked stairs through the smoke. Powell glanced over his shoulder and saw that his men were all evac ready. He clipped the remaining harness rig to his armor and he gave the crew chief the thumbs-up. Those who still had ammunition and a clear shot continued firing at walkers as the helicopter took off.
As he climbed into the helo, Powell saw the F22 Raptor as it sped by overhead. There was the flash of a rocket from the other Blackhawk, Ranger Four,
Debra Cowan, Susan Sleeman, Mary Ellen Porter