as the defeated spirit of the Demonlord vents its spite on the chamber below.
Turn to 341 .
You reach the King's headquarters only to discover that he is not there: he has taken personal command of his Horse Knights and mounted men-at-arms, and led them in an attack on the enemy's reinforcements. From the top of the hill you can see a huge cavalry battle taking place on the grasslands south of Cetza. Amid the wheeling ranks of armoured horsemen, at the very heart of the fiercest fighting, flies the King's banner. It would be impossible for you to reach him and request that he save the Prince.
Mindful of the time that has been lost, you turn your horse about and set off towards the Prince's reserves, determined now to lead them yourself.
Turn to 49 .
You fling aside the curtain and rush through the archway into the passage beyond. The two cave guards turn to face you but the speed of your escape leaves them fumbling for their spears. You reach the exit, breathless and fearful, and catch sight of a patrol of horsemen arriving at the camp. They dismount, tether their horses to some bushes, and make their way wearily towards the main campfire. Seeing an opportunity to escape, you rush to the first bush and snatch up the reins of the nearest mount. Suddenly a cry echoes from the cave mouth: the guards are raising the alarm. You climb into the saddle but your escape is blocked by a partisan horseman riding up the narrow track that leads into the camp.
Partisan Horseman: COMBAT SKILL 17 ENDURANCE 24
If you win the combat, turn to 239 .
Gradually your Psi-screen weakens enough to enable the phantoms to engulf you with their snaky tendrils. You shudder with fear as they coil around your limbs, filling them with a terrible chill that steals your strength and your will to resist. Reluctantly you surrender to their numbing caress and slip into a sleep from which there will be no awakening.
Your life and your quest end here.
You rub your eyes and look around you at a campsite nestling in a hollow at the foot of a great, snow-capped mountain. It is occupied by a host of partisans, who are busy tending their ponies and sharpening weapons dulled by heavy fighting. Your escort helps you to dismount and you are led through the camp to a cave hidden beneath a huge outcrop of rock. As you enter the cave and follow a torchlit passage, you hear voices echoing in the distance and your keen nostrils catch the scent of roasting meat. The passage ends at a curtained archway guarded by two men with spears. They look at you brusquely, as if you were a stray dog, but your escort explains your purpose here and they stand aside to allow you an audience with their leader, Sebb Jarel.
Turn to 38 .
Suddenly a dozen webbed hands slap over the sides of the boat and six ghoulish, dome-shaped heads rise from the river. Their mottled throat sacs puff and slacken fitfully as these creatures clamber over the gunwales and launch their attack.
Illustration II —Suddenly ghoulish, dome-shaped heads rise from the river.
Unless you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Huntmastery, reduce your COMBAT SKILL by 3 points for the first round of combat due to the surprise of the attack.
If you win and the fight lasts four rounds or less, turn to 169 .
If you win and the fight lasts longer than four rounds, turn to 309 .
On your return to Prince Graygor's tent you are shown to your sleeping area by one of his heralds. It is little more than a pile of straw strewn on the bare ground, but you have slept in worse places than this and you are now too exhausted to complain or look for somewhere more suitable to rest.
Unless you possess a blanket, lose 1 ENDURANCE point due to an uncomfortable night's sleep.
Turn to 280 .
The Drakkarim give a loud yell as soon as they see Adamas appear. At once the vanguard fire their crossbows and many bolts find their mark, but the Drakkarim who