The Dread: The Fallen Kings Cycle: Book Two

The Dread: The Fallen Kings Cycle: Book Two Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Dread: The Fallen Kings Cycle: Book Two Read Online Free PDF
Author: Gail Z. Martin
Tags: FIC009020
kingdom. Amulet sellers are making piles of gold off people’s fears, and the farmers won’t put their flocks out to the autumn pastures because they’re afraid of what might happen to the animals and the shepherds.”
    “No wonder the Dread are restless,” Talwyn murmured. Davin paled.
    “He’s sent three regiments to patrol the Nu River in case the Temnottans try to move inland. He also sent a division to watch the Nargi border. Seems some of the nobility think the Crone Priests might be behind all the grave robbing, and while father says he doubts that, he wouldn’t put it past Nargi to make a move while everyone’s busy fending off invaders from the north.”
    “Anything else?”
    Jair managed a wry half smile. “Father sends his regards to Pevre, and his love to Talwyn and Kenver. He says he’d far rather be on the Ride with us than where he is.” He frowned. “He’s asked you to pray to the Spirit Gods to bless Dhasson. He says he’s asked the same of the Lady’s seers.” He glanced up to meet Talwyn’s eyes.“He must really be worried. Father’s not exactly observant when it comes to religion. I’ve never seen him pray except in public on feast days, and then the seneschal has to write out the words on a paper father keeps in his sleeve.” Jair carefully folded the letter and slipped it into a pouch at his belt.
    “I’m sorry to bear worrisome news, m’lord.”
    Jair shrugged. “It’s not as if you were the cause of it. What instructions did father give you once the message was delivered?”
    “I’m to return with your reply, if it’s possible to do so with war in the offing. If I can’t return, then I’m to offer my services to you or to King Martris.”
    “And your assessment of the road between here and Dhasson?”
    Davin was silent for a moment, as if something he had seen warred with his bearing as a soldier. “Speak your mind, Captain,” Jair encouraged.
    “Twice on the road, I was set upon by
,” Davin said in a quiet voice. “Fortunately, only one or two at a time, and they smell so bad I had warning of their coming. I saw ghosts aplenty and even though I know how to set stones for a night warding, many a night I couldn’t sleep because there were
out there, just beyond the wardings, wanting my blood. I came upon the body of a peddler near a crossroads, and the man and his horse looked as if they’d been torn apart by something, but it wasn’t any animal I could name. The bite and claw marks were wrong. Magicked beast or
, I didn’t stick around to find out. I passed villages without a living soul in them from the plague, and at night, I could hear their wights calling me to join them.” He shivered. “I’dprefer to face a whole army in battle, Your Highness, than take that road again. But I’ll do as you command.”
    “Perhaps one of the
vayash moru
could be persuaded to carry your reply to your father,” Pevre suggested.
    Jair nodded. “I was thinking the same thing. Right now, there’s nothing urgent I have to tell father that won’t wait.” He looked at Davin, and the soldier averted his eyes, as if ashamed to admit his fear of a return journey. “You’re a brave man, Davin, and a clever one to make that trip in one piece. I’d like you to carry a message for me to the Margolan battlefront, to King Drayke. You need to tell the king what you’ve told me.”
    Davin drew a deep breath, pride in his eyes at the unexpected praise. “I would be honored to do so, my prince.”
    “Good, then it’s settled.” Jair gestured to Mihei, who had waited just beyond earshot. “Davin’s going to need provisions and a place to stay the night.”
    Mihei inclined his head in assent. “Done.” He looked to Davin. “Please follow me.”
    Jair watched Davin and Mihei leave the edge of the firelight. Talwyn laid a hand on his arm. “What are you really thinking?”
    Jair sighed and stared into the fire as if a sign from the spirits might
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