The Dragons Revenge (Tales from the New Earth #2)

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Book: The Dragons Revenge (Tales from the New Earth #2) Read Online Free PDF
Author: J.J. Thompson
smiled as he caught sight of the small
town below.
    The wall that Kronk and
the other elementals had constructed for Clara and her people
gleaming brightly in the late morning sunlight. Dozens of chimneys
sent plumes of smoke straight up through the still air, their roofs
covered with snow.
    It looks like a Christmas
postcard, he thought poignantly. For some reason, the sight of the
idyllic-looking little town saddened him for a moment.
    Simon finally nudged Chief
and they slowly made their way down the hill, the snow squeaking
under the horse's hooves.
    At the front gate, open
during the day, a lone guard stood watch. He, or she, was bundled in
furs and carried a spear on their back. As Simon approached, the
guard pushed back their hood and the wizard saw a woman's face that
he didn't recognize.
    Apparently it wasn't
mutual though, and the guard's eyes widened as he slipped his hood
off of his head.
    “ Good morning,”
Simon said as he got within speaking distance.
    The guard nodded and
smiled slightly.
    “ Good morning, sir
wizard,” she said respectfully. “Clara didn't tell us
that you would be visiting today.”
    “ I'm sure she
didn't. I just decided to drop by. It's been a long winter and I felt
the urge for some...human companionship.”
    She grinned and nodded her
    “ Yes, I suppose even
a wizard gets tired of solitude occasionally.”
    She waved at the gate.
    “ Go ahead in. I
believe that Clara is in the main hall at this time of day. She'll be
pleased to see you, I'm sure.”
    “ Thanks very much.”
    He noticed that the guard
was shivering slightly and gave her a sympathetic look.
    “ I hope that you'll
be relieved soon. The cold does get to a person after a while.”
    The guard laughed.
    “ Oh, I don't mind.
It gives me an excuse to get outside. But thanks. My relief will be
along shortly. Enjoy your visit.”
    “ Thank you,”
he said and urged Chief through the gate.
    There were only a few
people moving through the narrow streets of Nottinghill. Like the
guard and Simon, they were wrapped in heavy clothing and kept their
heads down as they scurried on their way.
    In the center of town, on
a little rise, the main hall stood covered in blazing snow and ringed
with icicles. Simon dismounted when he reached the main door and then
stood for a moment to stretch his legs after the long ride.
    Chief nuzzled the back of
his neck and he patted the big horse gratefully.
    As he tied the reins to a
post near the door, Simon explained to the stallion that he shouldn't
be too long.
    “ Don't worry, big
guy,” he said quietly. “We'll be heading home in a few
hours. Can't leave your girlfriends alone overnight, now can we?”
    Chief snorted and
whickered in seeming agreement and Simon chuckled as he opened the
door of the hall and ducked inside.
    The hall was about a
hundred feet long on each side. In the rear were Clara's private
quarters, while the main hall held rows of benches and an open area
in the center. A fire pit that Simon didn't remember seeing on his
last visit had been dug out and lined with stone in the middle of the
hall and was blazing merrily, smoke rising to a hole in the roof
directly above it.
    Seeing no one in the hall,
Simon put his mittens into his pocket, made his way to the rear and
knocked on the door to Clara's rooms.
    “ Come in,” he
heard her call. He opened the door and stepped inside.
    The room was bright and
cheerful. There were several wide windows covered with flowery
curtains, colorful throw rugs scattered about and many candles
burning warmly.
    Clara was sitting in a
long couch to the left as Simon entered, frowning down at a book on
her lap and holding a steaming cup in her hand.
    As he entered, she glanced
up and stared at him in obvious shock for a moment. Then she put the
book aside, set the cup on an end table and quickly stood up.
    “ Simon!” she
exclaimed and hurried over to take both of his hands. She peered at
him closely.
    “ This is
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