The Dragon King

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Book: The Dragon King Read Online Free PDF
Author: Candace Blevins
shining them on each other.
    When the lights came on I had to cover my eyes with my hands a few seconds and gradually let my eyes get used to the light.
    When I could handle it, I looked at the two men, who also had their eyes squinted, and I smiled, “Just guessing, but I think you’re Duke,” I said to the tall, large-chested man with the huge, muscled arms, and then looked to the one who was tall and thin, but still showed well-defined muscles, “and you’re Brain?”
    “Yes,” Brain said. “How would you like us to address you, Ma’am?”
    “Sophia is fine. We’re hiding out in a cave, this isn’t exactly the Princess lifestyle. I understand Aaron will owe you something for helping us, but I’d still like to offer my thanks, and let you know if I’m ever in a position of power you should feel comfortable letting me know if there’s anything I can help you with. No promises I’ll be able to give you what you want, but a promise I’ll do what I can without risking any of my people or breaking a promise to someone else.”
    Duke nodded his head and opened his mouth to speak when Aaron came back and said, “You saw me break the plastic to get in — this house is sealed all the way around, with two doors and no windows. Everything inside is also sealed in plastic, and there’s no water in this section of the cave, so we don’t have to deal with mildew, but there are lots of cave bugs and some are pretty creepy. Even with all the plastic, be on the lookout for them and try to keep the doors closed as much as possible. The generator will power a fan that runs the cave air into the house so it won’t smell quite so stale, and the screen it pulls through is tiny but we’ve had little no-see-ums get inside, in the past.”
    “Safety measures?” Duke asked.
    “Above our heads are literally tons of mica and quartz, a little gold, and a few veins with rubies and garnets I’ve been imbuing with “don’t look here” energy for over a century. The land was purchased under another of my names, and you’d have to go through more than a dozen corporations to find out I own the grocery store chain that holds part of the land, as well as the company that owns the vacation chalets almost directly above us. It’s also away from all ley lines, to be sure the Fae can’t find us.”
    “How many people know it’s here?” I asked.
    Aaron looked at me as if he approved of my question and answered, “The humans who built it were brought in from other states and had no idea where the cave was. I brought them in via train and they believed they were in northern Virginia. All have since died of old age, but even if they were alive they couldn’t be traced to me and would have no idea where it is. Supplies were purchased in Atlanta and put into a large covered truck, which I drove here, and my second in command helped me bring the supplies down. I’ve personally restocked it once every two years, with no help. Two people have been given refuge here, one was someone I never intended to keep alive, but only needed him breathing long enough so I could kill him slowly without anyone interfering. The second is alive and kicking but will never give up the location.”
    “So, three living supernaturals? Including you? And now the three of us make six?” Brain asked.
    “Yes.” Aaron answered him before looking at me. “You’re as safe as I can make you here, Sophia.” He looked to the men. “I’m going to walk you both up to the chalet above us and set you up to stay there a few days to possibly a week while Sophia and I work out exactly how we’re going to handle things. We have two and a half weeks before the winter solstice when everything will probably come to a head. Are both of you okay being away from Atlanta during Christmas? Bud said you don’t spend Christmas with family, just the club?”
    “We’re yours. No problem.” This from Duke.
    Aaron nodded. “As you both know, the less we go in and out, the
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