The Draglen Brothers - DRAKEN (BK 1)
be ordering a new one. I slip on my black silk pajama pants
and head out of my room. I open the door and am greeted by Showken
with a large glass of wine.
    “Good morning,” Showken says, grinning
hugely. “I see Ravla is here, umm, I think we need to talk,
brother.” The chuckling continues as he turns and walks away from
my room. I walk behind him, not speaking, drinking down the wine.
Drinking wine keeps my temper under control. In my land I have
other ways to do that, but here, wine is what helps, or any
alcoholic drink, really. My beast needs to be under control. Making
my way to the study, I see Layern and Gemi, which means something
is up.
    “What’s wrong?” I say.
    “You, that’s what’s wrong,” Gemi says.
I look at my brothers, then close my eyes to think, remembering
they can see my sexual acts if I choose, only through the mind,
though. Cess was on my mind the entire time with Ravla. This is not
good. Fuck!
    “I told you, have her. The way she was
looking at you before you walked her off the property, there will
not be any convincing involved,” Showken says.
    “Layern, you’re quiet, do you agree?
Before you answer, I don’t want you telling me anything about what
I think, clear? I just want your opinion on my taking a human woman
for pleasure. And, remember, I have only done this once, so the
likelihood of my killing her is very strong,” I say sternly. I’m
tired of all this talk about a human.
    Layern studies my face, and when he
speaks, his tone is guarded. “Well, based on your experience with
our women, your patience with the people in the land, and the fact
you vowed not to kill any more humans, I think that you should get
her out of your system. While we are here getting the business in
order, Cess could be your Giver, instead of Ravla. Besides, you
thought about Cess while destroying Ravla, she’s TKO!” Layern says,
    “Interesting, you all want me to have
this girl. What if she falls in love?” I ask.
    “After you have your fill of her, just
go back to being the ass you are, and she will stop loving you
instantly, brother,” Showken says, with that stupid grin on his
    “Listen, you have Ravla here and that
doesn’t keep your mind off her, so just have that girl, as you call
her,” Gemi says, irritated.
    “I will give your thoughts some
consideration, but right now my Giver is here, and I plan on
taking. I know you all plan on going to the party. I can still hear
all my brothers if I choose, so if I detect any problems, Gemi, I
will punish every one of you for all mistakes. We cannot risk
anyone’s curiosity. Thank you, brothers, now I’ll be getting some
food and heading back, Monday is all business,” I say, glaring at
each brother. I don’t give anyone a chance to respond, but Showken
yells as I walk away “I bet she will feel real good, brother!” I
truly hate Showken sometimes. I know that if I didn’t have this
pull towards Cess, she would already be in Showken’s bed. I make my
way back to Ravla.
    I look at my ravished bed and smile
with pride. She will wake soon, and I will finish my time with her.
Ravla takes what I give with no complaint. I will always keep her,
even after my marriage. I turn on the shower, just climbing in, as
my body heat is enough to warm me. Why is Cess on my mind? Why do I
desire her so? That should not be. I will keep Ravla around to keep
me focused. It will only be six months, and then I will be home,
away from her. The next trip I will pick the area, Gemi’s choice is
costing me my sanity.


    I can’t believe they actually invited
them. Now, I’m going to a party where Mr. Walk You Off His Property
may be there. Well, I won’t be humiliated this time, and seeing him
again might cure this feeling I have about him. It may only be
because it’s been months since I’ve had sex. Like, he is the most
handsome man I have ever seen. Who wouldn’t want that man? I need
to have on the perfect outfit. If I know
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