The Doctor Wears A Stetson (Contemporary Western Romance)
engines, but delicate just the
same. She had a pixie look about her with that small dimple in her
chin. And her full lips were made for kissing.
    Cameron remembered the dark night a long
time ago, sitting in his truck with Jessie up on Lover's
Point--kissing her until her lips were swollen, his body rock-hard.
He hadn't thought about that night in years. But he thought about
it now.
    Damn! The kisses they'd shared had been
incredibly hot, almost x-rated. He hadn't asked her out again
because he'd instinctively known the attraction he felt for her
could be detrimental to his plans.
    Cameron turned and walked toward the front
porch. He found that he wanted to kiss Jessie again, hold her in
his arms. He wanted to see her out of those damned coveralls. He
wanted to see her out of her clothes, period. Would she go out with
him if he asked? Could they continue where they'd left off all
those years ago up on Lover's Point?
    Maybe a walk down memory lane with Jessie
would help him with the decisions plaguing him. Career decisions.
Life decisions. He was tired of the perpetual restlessness he'd
never been able to shake. He needed to figure out what the hell he
wanted to do with the rest of his life.
    He stepped onto the porch. "Hey, Mom. How're
you doing?"
    "Oh, Cameron!" Ruth McCade welcomed her son
with outstretched arms. "I'm so glad you're home."
    "It's good to be home." He gave her a big
bear hug and kept his arm around her shoulders as they entered the
    "So, tell me," she said, patting his chest.
"Did you get the promotion?"
    Oh man, the promotion. Something he should
be thrilled about, but wasn't. "It's mine, if I want it. I just
can't seem to make up my mind."
    She patted his chest again. "Don't rush it,
baby. Think it through. You're good at that."
    Dallas met them in the hall on the way to
the kitchen. "I put your things in your old room."
    "Thanks." Cameron glanced around. "Where's
    "There's an air show in San Antonio." Dallas
rolled his eyes. "Need I say more?"
    "Crop-dusting season's over, I take it?"
Cameron asked.
    "Yes, but you know Tyler," Ruth said. "Can't
get him away from his airplanes."
    "He won't be here on Saturday?" He might
have to clobber his youngest brother if he missed their mom's
    Ruth shook her head. Oh yeah, Tyler was
cruising for a bruising. "No, but he sent me a box of my favorite
chocolates and will be home next week. Come on, let me fix you
something to eat. How about a piece of pecan pie?"
    "Sounds good." He followed his mother and
brother into the kitchen.
    Dallas poured a brandy and sat at the old
oak table. Cameron snagged a chair across from him and stretched
his legs, easing the cramps in his knees. "So, what's been
happening around here? Anything I should know about? And what the
hell's going on with you and Jess?" He took a bite of the pie his
mother placed before him.
    "Something's definitely going on," Dallas
    " Between you and Jess? " He looked up
from his plate, not liking the sinking sensation in the pit of his
    "Hell no," Dallas said.
    Relief rushed through Cameron. He didn't
want to examine the feeling too closely. "Then what's up? What's
the matter?"
    "Copper River Oil Company is nosing around
the Devine Place, that's what's the matter. Jessie has leased her
mineral rights to them."
    "So what?" Cameron asked. "That's no skin
off our butts."
    "Yes, it is. She's running short on
    Cameron took another bite of pie. "How do
you know that?"
    Ruth sat down at the table next to him.
"Jessie told me. She's still swamped with medical bills from her
father's illness and TR's accident and it's not easy running a
garage in Salt Fork. Business isn't exactly booming here."
    Dallas went to refill his glass of brandy.
"Want one of these?" he said to Cameron over his shoulder.
    "Yeah, pour me a double." He finished his
pie and pushed the plate away. Leaning back in his chair, he
crossed his arms. "So Copper River Oil is snooping over on the
Devine Place.
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