The Darker Side of Trey Grey
the bag, went into my work hamper. While the rest of my clothes went with me and a bucket of bleach water outside. Tossing the vile clothes away, I set to the task of making kitten clean again.
    I fell into bed, shaking and smelling of bleach and Armor-All, just after four in the morning. Thankfully my body was done, and dragged my mind into a deep slumber.
    I woke sobbing into my pillow, my body curled into a tight ball. Memory of the nightmare had me reaching down to check and see if I had ejaculated in my sleep. I let out a relieved breath when I found “IT” limp and everything dry. Well, except my tear dampened pillow.
    I hated the fucker. I hated that at one time Willie could control me completely. I hated my self for wanting it. Although I knew teenage hormones had ruled my world at the time, it still disgusted me.
    The memory pulled another bone rattling sob from deep down. I despised crying. It never made me feel better. Nevertheless, I had shed more than my fair share of tears, an emotional wreck to rival any female.
    Breathing deeply, I felt the heaviness pressing down on me. I shivered, trying to shake the depression off, but the beast hung on tightly. I lowered my wet eyelashes, and hugged my comforter tighter.
    A few minutes later my dick tickled, telling me I needed to pee. I tried to ignore it, but my bladder pressed threateningly. I glanced at the clock and saw it was almost five. I’d slept through every one of my classes, yet I couldn’t find a reason to care right this instant. I threw my bedding off, and stepped onto the cold industrial floor. I wasn’t so far gone that I didn’t care if I peed the bed. That was promising.
    As I exited the bathroom I stared at my rumpled bed forlornly. I diverted however, and headed to my normal closet, determined to go out to eat. I tugged on a long sleeve shirt and a pair of Levis while I glared at my work closet suddenly wanting to set fire to everything in it. I smiled wickedly. Well, that was a new desire, and I was tempted to act on it.  
    Instead I sighed, and finished dressing. I had some expensive work clothes, and although it would be fun to watch everything burn, I didn’t relish spending the scratch to replace it all. What I should have done was kept the defiled cloths I threw away and torched those. I could have considered it therapy. It sounded better than crazy anyway.
    Outside I glanced at my black, ivory, and chrome girl, deciding to walk the two blocks to Applebee’s instead. I wasn’t afraid to climb back into her—at least I didn’t think I was— I just wanted to walk through the misty evening and try to shake off the heaviness pressing down on me.
    “You can just seat yourself if you want to sit in the bar.” The hostess gestured to the rowdy bar.  
    I shook my head. “Too young.”  
    She looked me up and down. “Huh, I never would have thought it. How old are you?” she asked.  
    Rather brazen little thing. I hitched my thumbs in my pockets.
    “Not quite old enough.” 
    She nodded at my reply as she grabbed a menu, and then motioned for me to follow her.
    I was halfway through a decent Reuben when a Barbie wannabe flopped down across from me.
    “You’re in my business analysis class. Trey, right?”
    I swallowed the chunk of sauerkraut and corn beef as I nodded, even though I wasn’t really positive. She looked familiar, and I gave her the benefit of the doubt since she did know my name after all. 
    “You missed class today. If you want to borrow my notes— oh, I’m Cam by the way.”  She smiled, extending a pink nailed hand over the table. I set my sandwich down and quickly wiped my hands with a napkin. 
    “Trey, but you already knew that.” I shook her hand.
    “Some of us are headed to a party and wondered if you wanted to come?” She twirled a chunk of her long, pale hair around a finger. 
    I gave her a regretful look. “Sorry. Thanks for the invite though. I had to work late last night and I’m still
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