The Daring Game

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Book: The Daring Game Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kit Pearson
first week! “I didn’t know it wasn’t allowed—I just went to get my bear.” Admitting that she had a bear sounded so babyish that her cheeks flamed.
    Miss Tavistock’s voice softened. “If you didn’t know, Elizabeth, then I forgive you. I know you’re not the type of girl to intentionally break a rule, and it’s hard to remember everything at first.” The headmistress raised her eyebrows. “But goodness me, your dormitory is troublesome this week! I hope this isn’t an indication of how you’re all going to behave for the rest of the year!”
    â€œI’m sorry, Eliza Doolittle,” said Helen nonchalantly when Eliza confronted her later. “I thought you knew it wasn’t allowed, and I didn’t think you’d get caught.”
    Eliza wondered if she should believe her. Getting into trouble seemed unimportant to Helen, and she did appear genuinely amazed that Eliza was upset about it. It would be safest, however, not to trust the other girl.
    But that night she changed her mind again. Eliza had quickly discovered she was the only one in the Yellow Dorm who still wore an undershirt. No one except Pam seemed to need a bra, but each person wore one as if it were a badge of membership in grade seven. Eliza had no wish to acquire something so grown-up, but she also hoped the others wouldn’t comment on her difference. So far, they hadn’t.
    On that Thursday evening, however, Pam examined Eliza thoughtfully as they were undressing. “Don’t youthink you should ask Miss Bixley to get you a bra, Eliza? You can get padded ones,” she added sweetly.
    Eliza’s face burned. She turned her back on Pam to hide both her flat chest and her sudden tears.
    But now she was facing Helen, who had been standing behind her. The red-haired girl looked straight at Eliza; even behind her glasses, her sympathy was apparent. Then her eyes shifted to Pam and glinted with fury.
    â€œYou leave Eliza alone, P.J.!” she hissed. “It’s none of your business if she wears a bra or not. I hate mine. My mother only got it because it was an option on the clothing list this year. In fact, I think I’ll get rid of it.” She picked up the white cotton garment and twirled it around her head dramatically. Then she flung it into the wastepaper basket.
    Pam looked offended. “I was only trying to give Eliza some advice, Helen. Don’t get so excited.”
    Eliza finished buttoning up her pyjama top. She blinked back her tears and smiled at Helen. “Thanks,” she mouthed. Helen actually winked at her.
    The next morning Miss Bixley found the bra and made Helen take it back, but Eliza couldn’t forget her surprising defence.
    â€œT IME TO GO DOWN to the dining room and write your letters home, girls.” Mrs. Renfrew’s no-nonsense Scottish voice pierced the Sunday silence. She crept about so quietly, she always surprised them.
    â€œI’ve done mine,” said Eliza, slipping her second letter into an envelope and addressing it.
    â€œSo’ve I,” said Helen, emerging from underneath with a small grubby envelope.
    The Pouncer looked suspicious, but took the letters to mail. “Very well, you two may begin your free time, but I want you to stay inside. It’s too wet to go out. The rest of you hurry up, please.”
    â€œMrs. Renfrew, I can’t find my green sweater,” complained Carrie, all her dresser drawers gaping.
    â€œI found it under your bed this morning, Carrie,” said the Pouncer. “It’s in the Pound. You’ll have to pay me a dime to get it out.” She sniffed disapprovingly. “We’re going to make a lot of money out of this dormitory, I can see that already.”
    Eliza shoved her writing paper quickly into a drawer. The only tidy person in the dorm was Pam. She was so extreme she made up for the rest of them, draping her pristine uniform carefully over
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