The Contract

The Contract Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Contract Read Online Free PDF
Author: Zeenat Mahal
    “Luckily for us, knowing each other isn’t part of the deal. Who you are is none of my business.”
    “Damn right it isn’t.”
    “And vice versa.”
    She gave him another polite, tolerant little smile, one reserved for a raging toddler, which
    succeeded in making him feel like one. Was he over-reacting? Before he could reply, Khalida, a
    veritable Sherman tank, entered the room. He vaguely remembered her.
    “What can you make for breakfast that Hussain sahib would like?” Shahira asked the maid.
    Khalida enthusiastically launched into a long tirade of greasy, unhealthy food he hadn’t eaten in
    “I’ll have cereal if you have it.”
    He looked almost in pain and enjoying his obvious discomfort, Shahira told the maid what to get.
    Of course he hadn’t been over-reacting. She’d already decided she didn’t like him. Not that what
    she thought of him was of any consequence.
    The silence stretched between them.
    Hussain looked at the ceiling, and then the wall at the far end, and then back at the ceiling, all the
    while thinking that the schoolteacher was getting too big for her boots, or rather the dainty imported
    sandals she was wearing. Which were bought with his money—his hard-earned money. He looked at
    her out of the corner of his eye. She really was very pretty, but there were shadows of a deep
    devastation in her brown eyes that she hid quite well most of the time. What had happened to her to
    make her so? Was that why she’d accepted his ridiculous offer?
    Feeling a little sorry for her for no apparent reason, he said out loud, “Natasha’s very happy—
    she’s quite taken with you. You’re doing a good job with her.”
    He didn’t realize how condescending that sounded until he heard it. Shahira tried to look pleased
    and failed. Feeling annoyed, he decided to be off as soon as possible. She’d shown herself to be both
    arrogant and judgmental, and he was berating himself silently for sparing her a single thought. He
    didn’t have time for this.
    They talked sporadically about the weather, current affairs, Natasha, until at last, it was over and
    they both went in opposite directions to get away from each other as quickly as possible.
    Hussain spent the afternoon with his daughter as promised. Shahira looked in from time to time and
    gave him a smile of approval, which was not required, he thought irritably. He didn’t need any goody-
    two-shoes telling him what to do. Especially not in that sexy, schoolmarm tone.
    Get a grip, he told himself with a shake of the head.
    Later, when she found him wrestling with Shahaan, she gave him a look that he could only interpret
    as a warning.
    “Shahaan.” Her voice was cold and firm.
    Hussain watched her with interest, not understanding her concern.
    “Shahaan, you have to do your homework. Come with me.”
    “Aw, Mom!” Natasha complained. “We’re having so much fun! Please let him stay!”
    She glanced at Shahaan who was glowing with something more than exercise. A fleeting look of
    pain crossed her face, only to be replaced by the loving smile she seemed to reserve for his mother
    and daughter. She sounded genuinely sorry, “I’m afraid I can’t, sweetie. He has homework to do.
    Come on now.”
    Shahaan followed her, dragging his feet.
    Soon after, it was time to leave, and trying to hide his relief from his mother, he hugged her and
    Natasha goodbye. He didn’t bother meeting with the schoolteacher.


    “It’s Javed Uncle’s youngest daughter’s wedding. This is the first wedding in the family after a long
    time and in case you’ve forgotten, it was Javed who looked after us after your father’s death.”
    Salma was determined to have Hussain back. It had been two months since his visit. Not once had
    Shahira looked as if she missed him. The girl couldn’t act to save her life. She was too honest to
    know how to pretend, and Salma let her think that she was being duped.
    “I’m really very busy,
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