The Constant Heart

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Book: The Constant Heart Read Online Free PDF
Author: Dilly Court
want fortune hunters chasing after my girl. Heaven knows, the business is struggling and Ham Barnum is largely to blame for that. He's never forgiven me for marrying Ellie. I just thank God that you have a young man like Harry Gostellow, who is wealthy enough in his own right not to be interested in your small inheritance.'
'No, Papa, I won't have that. Harry is just a friend. You mustn't start reading anything else into what is little more than an acquaintanceship. I like Harry, he's very entertaining, but that is as far as it goes.'
'It may be so on your part, poppet.' He reached over to clasp her hand. 'But I've seen the way the young fellow looks at you. I'm just surprised that you didn't ask him round to supper tonight.'
'Harry was out of town on business, Pa. And as he's obviously forgotten that it's my birthday, I'm very glad that I didn't invite him.'
Edward squeezed her hand. 'I didn't mean to upset you, my dear. And I wouldn't have told you about your mother and Ham Barnum, but perhaps it's best out in the open.'
She rose to her feet. 'I'm glad you've confided in me at last.' She leaned over to kiss his forehead. 'It's been a long day and I'm tired. I think I'll go to bed now.'
'I'll stay up a while longer.'
'Goodnight, Papa. You will be all right on your own, won't you?'
'I will, Rosie. You get your beauty sleep, and I'll find my second-best pipe and smoke some of that fine baccy that you gave me.'
'Will you promise me one thing, Papa?'
'If I can, darling.'
'That you'll let bygones be bygones, and stop this feud with Captain Barnum, for all our sakes.'
Edward shook his head. 'I don't know that I can make such a promise. He has much to answer for.'
'I'm sure that my mother would not have wanted all this ill feeling between you.'
'I know that too, but she is in heaven, and every time I see that man I am in hell.'
Next morning, after Bertha had dragged every last detail concerning the events of the previous night out of her, Rosina was glad to escape from the kitchen before her father put in an appearance. There would be a few harsh words bandied about when Bertha got her hands on him, and home truths would be flying around like mad magpies. She did not want to be caught in the middle of a heated argument. It would cool down as quickly as it had erupted, but Rosina had witnessed too many spats between Papa and Bebe to want to endure another one. Oddly enough, they never bore a grudge against each other, and even seemed to get some grim satisfaction from their verbal battles. There was no understanding some people. Rosina went to find Walter.
As usual he was seated behind his desk in the counting house. He rose to his feet when she entered the room. 'Good morning, Miss Rosina.'
She could not repress a gurgle of laughter. 'Oh, Walter! What a lovely black eye.'
'It looks worse than it is.' His swollen lips twitched and he grimaced with pain.
'I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be unkind, but it really is a shiner.'
'How is the captain?'
'I haven't seen him yet this morning, but he wasn't badly injured, thanks to you. I think his pride was hurt more than anything.'
Walter picked up a sheaf of papers. 'I need to see him urgently.'
She knew by his tone of voice that something was wrong, and a cold shiver ran down her spine. 'What is it?'
'It's nothing for you to worry about, miss. But I do need to speak to the captain.'
'You're as bad as the rest of them. You all treat me like a child.'
The shuttered, stubborn look that she had come to know so well made Walter's face an impassive mask. 'It's business, miss.'
'And the Ellie May will be mine when I'm twenty-one. Papa told me so last night, and I mean to start taking an interest in how it runs. So you see, Walter, it is my business.'
'Harry Gostellow has refused the cargo. I met him on the wharf early this morning and I was with him when he examined the hay. He said it had
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