The Con
to boil from
anticipation and his lips proximity to mine, I'm able to nod my
head yes.
    He hovers above me as I look up into his
eyes. His lips are just inches from mine. A million thoughts are
racing through my head and I can’t seem to think straight. I want
to remember every second of what's about to happen, but instead,
just as his lips are about to brush against mine, I whisper, "Why
did Ky call you Ace?"
    He grins down at me, his gaze flickering to
my lips before he looks back up into my green eyes. "Because I'm
good at everything."
    I don't have time to process his answer. My
eyes flutter closed as his lips connect with mine. I don't move and
my lips stay firmly shut as he kisses me. I feel hot... everywhere.
My face is flushed, my lips are tingling and I don't want this kiss
to end.
    Jagger pulls away slightly. One of his hands
comes up to my face and he places a finger on my lower lip. "Loosen
up, twinkle toes. Part your lips and just go with it. I want to see
what you taste like."
    His finger slides away from my mouth and
then his lips meet mine again. This time we move together, our lips
fitting perfectly with each other. His kiss is soft and I feel his
tongue graze my bottom lip before tracing my top lip. I open my
mouth allowing his tongue to tangle with mine, and it's everything
I imagined it would be.
    He doesn't take it any further. The only
parts of our bodies that touch are our mouths and when the kiss is
over I know I'll never be the same.
    Jagger's sparked something inside me that
can only be tamed by him.
    It was the best first kiss in the history of
all first kisses and I know I'm going to crave more.

Chapter Four

    Two years later
    I run down to the mailbox to greet the
mailman at his vehicle. I've been doing this for the last three
weeks, but so far it hasn't come.
    "Got anything for me today, Henry?"
    He doesn't answer and hands me two small
pieces of mail. One's the water bill and the other is Pearl's cell
phone bill. I'm disappointed that I still haven’t heard anything
yet, but I smile at Henry. "Thanks anyway. See you tomorrow."
    I start to walk away when Henry says, "Oh, I
forgot this."
    In his hand is a legal size manila envelope.
He smiles and hands it over. It's addressed to me and the return
address is the Performing Arts school I applied to. It's the same
high school Monique goes to and Felicity gave me a terrific letter
of recommendation. I performed for them a month ago and have been
waiting for this letter from them ever since.
    What's in this envelope will either lead to
the start of my dancing future, or crush my dreams of ever making
it in this industry.
    Henry wishes me luck and then drives to the
next house, but I stay standing at the end of my small driveway,
staring at the envelope.
    I've been dying for this to come the past
several weeks, needing an answer, but now that it's in my hands I'm
afraid to open it.
    I don't know how long I stand there like a
statue, but when the envelope is ripped out of my hands I look up
and am assaulted by the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. Eyes I
haven't seen in a long time.
    His hair is long again, but pulled back in a
man bun. He has a cigarette behind his ear and he's wearing an Al's
Mechanics t-shirt, jeans, and black boots. His lips are pink and
parted and I instantly think of those few minutes we spent together
in his bedroom.
    I got to kiss those lips once.
    After our brief make-out session two years
ago, I bolted out of his house faster than a cop drives to a donut
    Was running away immature? Yes, but I was
only twelve so of course a part of me was immature. I've wanted to
speak to Jagger so many times since then, but I've never had the
chance. We've never crossed paths.
    Now he's in front of me, holding the
envelope that will tell me what my future has in store, and all I
can think about is how badly I want to kiss him again.
    "What's in the envelope, twinkle toes?" He's
watching me. His eyes drag down my body and then
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