The Con
and over
    Part of me wants it, needs it, to land on
me. Another part of me is terrified at the possibility. I'm
terrified to be alone with Jagger for seven minutes. I know he's
experienced and I'm not.
    The bottle slows down and then suddenly
stops with the open neck pointing directly at me.
    Despite the air conditioning my body starts
to slowly overheat. Jagger doesn't miss a beat as he stands up and
walks to my part of the circle. He reaches out his hand and I take
it, slowly getting up from the carpet and following him out of the
room and behind the door that Jose and Leah were in just a few
minutes before.
    I can hear Ky and a couple of the other boys
cheering and whistling us on.
    Jagger shuts the door and I look around the
room. The walls are navy blue and covered with posters of half
naked women. Some are on muscle cars; others are posed
provocatively and covered with soap and water. Most of them have
fake boobs and big butts. There's a full-size bed that takes up a
large part of the room. He has no books, but there is a CD player
playing Death Cab for Cutie's I will follow you into the Dark, and
a stack of compact discs sit next to it. I walk over and grab the
first CD on top of the stack–The Who. I grab the next one and it's
Metallica, followed by Jimmy Hendrix, then The Rolling Stones.
    "Are you done touching my shit?"
    I'm startled and quickly place the CDs down
before turning around to face him. "Sorry."
    Jagger walks over to his bed and then sits
down on top of the black comforter. I watch his every move but I
don't say anything. I stay completely still. I’m not sure what he's
expecting from me during the next seven minutes.
    He must be good at reading people because he
says, "Come sit down, twinkle toes. We're just going to talk. I'm
not going to defile you."
    I trust him so I walk over to the bed and
sit down next to him, tucking my bare feet under my butt.
    "What do you want to talk about?" I ask
    "I don't know." He taps his hands against
his thighs, drumming out a beat to go with the music. He's wearing
jeans and a black t-shirt, and on his feet are black boots. I
realize his wardrobe is filled with a lot of the same colors, and
I've only ever seen boots on his feet. "How's dance going?"
    "Good," I respond, wishing I had a longer
answer to fill the unease in the room.
    "Why aren't you there now?"
    "The studio is closed for the week."
    We both go silent again, neither of us
knowing what to talk about. I realize that's probably because we
have very little in common.
    "Your house is nice."
    He turns on the bed to face me so I do the
same. My legs are still tucked underneath me but Jagger has one leg
on the bed and his other leg hangs down the side, his foot touching
the floor.
    "It's a run-down piece of shit, twinkle
toes, but it's all I can afford right now."
    All he can afford? He's only fourteen. He
can't be paying for this place by himself.
    "Well, it's a lot nicer than mine and you
have air conditioning. I'd do anything for AC."
    "Anything?" he asks, raising his right
    I bite my lip to stop my cheeks from
flushing with embarrassment. “You know what I mean."
    We go quiet again but this time the air is
filled with something... different. Something I've never
experienced before. There's some form of electricity trying to
bring the two of us together.
    Jagger leans in close to me and I stop
breathing as I focus on the way his body moves. I watch his lips as
he takes in staggered breaths.
    "Have you ever been kissed, twinkle
    I let out a shaky breath. "No."
    Jagger's palms graze my bare knees before
placing his hands on each side of the bed so my thighs are trapped
between them.
    He leans in closer. "Do you want that to
change? Do you want me to kiss you?"
    I can't speak. I can barely move, as the
very thing I've dreamt about these past three years is finally
about to come true. Jagger is asking me if I want him to kiss me.
Somehow in my state of shock, as my blood begins
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