The Collected Works of Chögyam Trungpa: Volume 4

The Collected Works of Chögyam Trungpa: Volume 4 Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Collected Works of Chögyam Trungpa: Volume 4 Read Online Free PDF
Author: Chögyam Trungpa
to what should be accepted and rejected.
When practicing the dharma, I fall under the influence of discursiveness, sloth, and sleep.
When acting against the dharma, I am clever and my senses are alert,
Guru, think of me; look upon me quickly with compassion.
Grant your blessings so that I conquer my enemy, the kleśas.
My outer appearance is that of an authentic dharma practitioner,
But inside, my mind is not mixed with the dharma.
Like a poisonous snake, the kleśas are concealed within me.
When I encounter bad circumstances, my hidden faults as a bad practitioner are revealed.
Guru, think of me; look upon me quickly with compassion.
Grant your blessings so that I can tame my own mind.
I don’t realize my own bad faults.
I maintain the form of a practitioner while engaging in various nondharmic pursuits.
Because of the kleśas, I am naturally accustomed to unvirtuous actions.
Again and again I give birth to a mind of virtue, but again and again it falls apart.
Guru, think of me; look upon me quickly with compassion.
Grant your blessings so that I see my own faults.
As each day passes, my death is nearer and nearer.
As each day passes, my being is harsher and harsher.
Though I attend my guru, my devotion becomes gradually obscured.
Love, affection, and sacred outlook toward my dharma companions grow smaller and smaller.
Guru, think of me; look upon me quickly with compassion.
Grant your blessings so that I tame my stubborn nature.
I’ve taken refuge, aroused bodhichitta, and made supplications,
But devotion and compassion are not born in the depths of my heart.
I give lip service to dharmic action and spiritual practice,
But they become routine and I’m not touched by them.
Guru, think of me; look upon me quickly with compassion.
Grant your blessings so that I may be one with the dharma.
All suffering comes from desiring happiness for oneself.
Although it is said that buddhahood is attained by considering the welfare of others,
I arouse supreme bodhichitta but secretly cherish selfishness.
Not only do I not benefit others, I casually cause them harm.
Guru, think of me; look upon me quickly with compassion.
Grant your blessings so that I exchange myself for others.
The guru is buddha in person, but I regard him as an ordinary man.
I forget his kindness in giving profound instructions.
When he doesn’t do what I want, I lose heart.
His actions and behavior are clouded over by my doubts and disbelief.
Guru, think of me; look upon me quickly with compassion.
Grant your blessings so that unobscured devotion will increase.
My own mind is the Buddha, but I never realize this.
Discursive thoughts are dharmakāya, but I don’t realize this.
This is the unfabricated, innate state, but I cannot keep to this.
Naturalness is things as they really are, but I have no conviction in this.
Guru, think of me; look upon me quickly with compassion.
Grant your blessings so that my mind will be spontaneously liberated.
Death is certain to come, but I am unable to take this to heart.
The holy dharma truly benefits, but I am unable to practice it properly.
Karma and its result are certainly true, but I do not properly discriminate what to accept or reject.
Mindfulness and awareness are certainly necessary, but not stabilizing them, I am swept away by distractions.
Guru, think of me; look upon me quickly with compassion.
Grant your blessings to enable me to persevere in practice.
In the beginning I had no other thought but dharma.
But in the end what I have achieved will cause me to go to the lower realms of saṃsāra.
The harvest of freedom is destroyed by an unvirtuous frost.
Stubborn people like me have achieved bad consequences.
Guru, think of me; look upon me quickly with compassion.
Grant your blessings so that I will completely accomplish the holy dharma.
Grant your blessings so that I give birth to deep sadness.
Grant your blessings so that I maintain undistracted mindfulness.
Because of my
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