The Clue of the Broken Locket
Baltimore and get married. When I wouldn’t, he became angry and blamed everything on the iron bird. I was dreadfully upset. I’d like to try to reach him on the phone. Will you drive me to town, please?”
    “Yes, indeed,” Nancy replied. “If we’re going to stay here, we’ll need food supplies and fuel. Also, I’ll have to call Dad and let him know where we are.”
    After tidying the cottage, the girls set off. When they reached the lane that led to the village, Nancy stopped. “What say we take a few minutes and drive up to the stone house?”
    The others were eager to go so she drove straight along the top of the bluff. As they neared their destination, Cecily suddenly cried out, “Look! That sign ahead!”

    The Phantom Ship
    ALL the girls stared excitedly at the sign. It said:
    “Pudding Stone!” Nancy exclaimed. “Perhaps it’s called that after the lake’s original name—which would mean that it dates back many years.”
    “Oh, let’s talk to the owner!” Cecily urged.
    The girls peered ahead eagerly as Nancy drove on. In a few moments they came to a large, open garage in which two trucks were parked. On the side of each was painted:
    About an eighth of a mile farther on they came to the bluff house. It was built of stones of various shapes and sizes.
    “That must be why it’s called Pudding Stone Lodge,” George said.
    “It’s certainly old-looking.” Bess pointed to the roof. It was irregular in design, with sloping sides broken by peaks and turrets.
    Cecily was excited and wanted to rush up to the door at once. Nancy held her back, reminding her that she had been injured on the grounds of the lodge only the evening before.
    “I’ll go.” Nancy got out of the car and went up to the front door. Her ring was answered by a short, burly man with heavy black hair.
    “Mr. Driscoll?” Nancy asked pleasantly. “Do you own this house?”
    “No. I rent it. What’s that to you?”
    “It’s so attractive, we girls thought we would like to look around the grounds a little. Do you mind?”
    “Yes, I do,” the man said in a surly tone. “Get out of here and don’t return!”
    Nancy was taken aback. She did not argue and turned away, deciding that they had better not tarry. What was the reason for the man’s belligerence? “Very odd,” she mused, “to act like that. Could he possibly be responsible for Cecily’s injury or know about it?”

    “Get out of here and don’t return!”
    As she drove off, Nancy explained to the girls what the man had said and her suspicions. Cecily looked worried. “Oh, dear! How am I ever going to hunt there for the iron bird if we’re not to be allowed on the property? It might even be in the house.”
    George grinned. “Nancy will think of a way, I promise you that!”
    The others laughed and then became quiet until they reached town. Here the girls separated. George offered to go and order bottled gas from the fuel company. Cecily went to telephone Niko. Nancy and Bess headed toward the general store to shop for supplies.
    The proprietor, Mr. Joplin, was an inquisitive person. “You’re newcomers around here,” he said.
    “Yes, we are,” Nancy answered. She introduced herself and Bess. Noticing two other men in the store, she felt it wiser not to give any more details.
    Bess, however, was not so cautious. She blurted out that the four girls were staying in the Baker cottage, and that it certainly was a scary place. At this remark one of the two men, tall and pale with hard eyes, stared intently at the girls.
    The shopkeeper chuckled. “You mean you’ve been scared by the loons?”
    “Yes, and—” Nancy squeezed Bess’s arm so she would say no more.
    Nancy was about to begin her shopping when the heavy-set customer came over to the girls.
    “Are you Carson Drew’s daughter Nancy?” he asked.
    When Nancy nodded, he added, “Sure pleased to meet such a famous young
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