trying to call the other. For some reason, that night, the written words were stronger than anything we could ever say to one another.
It felt so freeing to read and respond, sharing wants, feeling, and emotions.
I can't speak for him, but somehow I felt that if I were to have to bring all those feelings to the tip of my tongue and spit them out as words, they would lose some of thier intensity.
That night, words were our reality.
We both signed off with hesitation, as if we were both aware of the fact that saying goodnight and turning toward the real world would lessen our experience.
During the following day, I worked around the house doing all the chores that a full time single mom does.
I, of course, wandered by James's room often, even paused to sign on and see if Mark was online, left a suggestive email even, but I never ran into him.
I recalled him mentioning a friends wedding or some stupid affair he had to attend, but in my lust filled haze I couldn't recall what time it started or ended, or even if he had told me those details.
I figured if nothing else, he would be around that night sometime, and I left him an email saying when I would plan on being online and to check for me if he wandered on.
I bounced through the house, on a post sex high, even though I had not encountered a male of my species in months.
I had to admit that the online scene was a pretty fulfilling experience.
All the emotions, all the feelings, but noone you had to share your bathroom with. Who could ask for more??
Who indeed?
Well, me for one.
I wanted more, I wanted a real person with a real name and a real voice.A person with real arms that could hold the REAL me. I was finally ready for a real meeting.
Now how to bring it up?
How could I say I wanted more without scaring him away.
We had never really talked about meeting one another. The most we had committed to thus far was a phonecall, that still hadn't happened (I don't count the call that Simone had bungled for us).
The thought of meeting with him thrilled and scared me to death. It is so easy to get along with someone online.
So easy for them to portray the nice side of thier personality and never ever give any indications of the dark skeletons in thier closets.
Was I ready for someone else I cared for, and yes, I admit I cared for Mark, was I ready for them to see my dirty laundry?
Was he ready to see me? That night, I don't know who even suggested it. I recall it being me, but then my heart was beating so fast I might have been hallucinating, and he might have been the one to broach the subject.
All I really remember was that both of us were thrilled with the prospect of meeting finally. We made the plans and decided it would be best to wait until a weekend when James was away at his dads to go through with it.
We picked a restaurant near my place, he said it was the mans job to do the traveling. I was floating on air by the end of our chat.
The only downside was that Mark wasn't going to be in town all next week and the weekend so I wouldn't get much more of a chance to chat with him before the big day. I couldn't believe as we signed off, that we were going to meet.
I kept telling myself over and over again it was true.
It was true. It was true.
Simone went shopping with me the next weekend to find the perfect outfit to wear. I wanted to look chic but she pushed for feminine.
She said I was too pretty to pull chic off. I let her win that battle, since I had already had the fight with her about even going through with the date in the first place.
We ended up picking out a powder blue dress that was satiny smooth with soft lacey accents. It did look great on me.
I had to thank Simone for being the fashion expert. I got it home and hung it up on my closet door where I could see it every time I walked into the room.
It was a tangible reminder that I was going to be with Mark soon. I couldn't hardly wait.
OK, so now you are all caught up with