The Cavalier

The Cavalier Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Cavalier Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jason McWhirter
looked at Jonas with a huge smile on her face. “This gold coin can feed us well for a month. We’ll be able to get through the end of winter with warm food and full stomachs. This is a fortune, son, I can’t believe our luck.”
    “I know, Mother,” Jonas said impatiently, “but what is a cavalier? He looked like a warrior.”
    “I only know what your father told me many years ago. He said he saw a cavalier once in Finarth and they are warriors chosen by the gods to protect and serve the weak, and to serve the greater good of mankind. They are very rare and known to have special powers. The marks on his hands meant that he was a master swordsman sworn to uphold the High One’s word. The symbol of the High One is a four pointed star over a circle. Each point of the star represents all four elements; earth, air, water, and fire.” His mom paused to look at the gold coin in her hand. “Who you saw was a great warrior, God Marked, and you should consider yourself very lucky to have met him.” She looked again at the coin, smiling. “Actually, we should both be thankful that you met him,” she said, laughing with happiness.
    Jonas, smiling at his mother, happy in her joy, continued to eat his soup, thoughts of the day’s events running through his head. “Mother, does the High One have a name? You’ve never talked about him much.”
    Lorna got up, hiding the coin in their secret spot under a floor board. “Yes, the High One is called many names throughout Kraawn. But you should not use any of them lightly,” she said as she sat back down at the table. “I only know several of his names; we call him Ulren, but I know that in the West he is called Toolm. It is believed that our goddess, Shyann, has a palace in his realm.”
    “So Ulren is the most powerful of the good gods?”
    “Yes. It is believed that the lesser gods all have a place at his great hearth,” Lorna said as she ate.
    “Is our goddess, Shyann, a lesser god?”
    “Shyann is a saint. That means that many, many years ago she was just a normal person like you and me, but she performed a great feat of selflessness and bravery, catching the High One’s attention. Ulren rewarded her by granting her sainthood, power, and a place at his hearth.”
    “What did she do that made her a saint?” Jonas asked before he took a long drink of water.
    “I don’t know exactly. The tales say she took a small village, like our own, and fought back against an army of boargs, orcs, and other monsters.”
    “What do boargs look like?”
    Lorna smiled, Jonas loved hearing about boargs. “Boargs are strong, fast beasts that inhabit the high Tundren Mountains. It is thought by some that they are related to the big mountain boars that live there. Some think they are the result of a wizard’s magic, but no one knows for sure. They have pig like faces with tusks like a boar, sharp teeth, and two great horns that protrude from their bony heads. They are taller than a big man, but they look shorter because they are bent over and their long arms usually rest on the ground. Short, rough hair, covers their muscular bodies, and they are said to be stronger than several men. And I’ve heard they run on all fours and are swifter than deer. They are ferocious animals that will eat anything they can get their claws on.”
    “When was a boarg last seen around here?” Jonas asked, never short of questions.
    “The last one I can remember was when you were just a baby. Jornath Longhorn went hunting and he never came back. His brothers went out into the Tundrens to investigate and found his ripped and torn body. As they wept over his body, a boarg who was coming back to finish its meal attacked them. Braal, the bigger of the two eventually killed the boarg, but not before he was seriously wounded and his other brother was killed. Braal still has the boarg’s skull mounted in his home.”
    “I hope a boarg never shows up at our cabin. Keep going, Mother, tell me about
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