The Case Of William Smith

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Book: The Case Of William Smith Read Online Free PDF
Author: Patricia Wentworth
Tags: thriller, Crime, Mystery
hadn’t come up behind.
    All this at the first glance. And then, hard on that, a flash of recognition.
    ‘Hullo! Haven’t we met somewhere?’
    William blinked again. His hand went up to his head and felt it gingerly. He said,
    ‘I don’t know — ’
    ‘My name’s Abbott — Frank Abbott — Detective Sergeant Frank Abbott. Does that strike a chord?’
    ‘I’m afraid it doesn’t.’
    He took a step sideways, shut his eyes, and caught at the lamp-post. By the time Frank reached him he was straightening up again. He grinned suddenly and said,
    ‘I’m all right. I think I’ll sit down on a doorstep.’
    The grin had something very engaging about it. Frank slid an arm around him.
    ‘We can do better than a doorstep. There’s a police station just around the corner. If I give you a hand, can you get as far as that?’
    There was another grin.
    They set out, and after one or two halts arrived. William sank into a chair and closed his eyes. He was aware of people talking, but he wasn’t interested. It would have been agreeable if someone could have unscrewed his head and put it away in a nice dark cupboard. For the moment it was of very little use to him, and he felt as if he would do better without it.
    Somebody brought him a cup of hot tea. He felt a good deal better after he had drunk it. They wanted to know his name and address.
    ‘William Smith, Tattlecombe’s Toy Bazaar, Ellery Street, N.W.’
    ‘Do you live there?’
    ‘Over the shop. Mr. Tattlecombe is away ill and I’m in charge. He’s at his sister’s — Mrs. Salt, 176 Selby Street, just round the corner. I’ve been out seeing him.’
    The Police Inspector loomed. He was a large man. He had a large voice. He said,
    ‘Have you any idea who it was that hit you?’
    ‘None whatever.’
    ‘Can you think of anyone who would be likely to hit you?’
    ‘Not a soul.’
    ‘You say you were visiting your employer. Had you money on you — cash for wages — anything like that?’
    ‘Not a bean.’
    William shut his eyes again. They talked. The Inspector’s voice reminded him of a troop-carrying plane.
    Then Frank Abbott was saying,
    ‘What do you feel like about getting home? Is there anyone there to look after you?’
    ‘Oh, yes, there’s Mrs. Bastable — Mr. Tattlecombe’s housekeeper.’
    ‘Well, if you feel like it, they’ll ring up for a taxi and I’ll see you home.’
    William blinked and said, ‘I’m quite all right.’ Then he grinned that rather boyish grin. ‘It’s frightfully good of you, But you needn’t bother — the head is very thick.’
    Presently he found himself in the taxi with Frank, and quite suddenly he wanted to talk, because it came to him that this was a Scotland Yard detective, and that he had said something about having seen him before. He passed from thought to speech without knowing quite how or when.
    ‘You did, didn’t you?’
    ‘I did what?’
    ‘Say you’d seen me before.’
    ‘Yes, I did. And I have.’
    ‘I wish you’d tell me how — and when — and where.’
    ‘Well, I don’t know — it was a good long time ago.’
    ‘How long?’
    ‘Oh, quite a long time. Pre-war, I should say.’
    William’s hand came out and gripped his arm.
    ‘I say — are you sure about that?’
    ‘No — I just think so.’
    The grip on his arm continued. William said in an urgent voice,
    ‘Do you remember where it was?’
    ‘Oh, town. The Luxe, I think — yes, definitely the Luxe. Yes, that was it — a fairly big do at the Luxe. You danced with a girl in a gold dress, very easy on the eye.’
    ‘What was her name?’
    ‘I don’t know — I don’t think I ever did know. She appeared to be booked about twenty deep.’
    ‘Abbott — do you remember my name?’
    ‘My dear chap — ’
    William Smith took his hand away and put it to his head.
    ‘Because, you see, I don’t.’
    Frank said, ‘Steady on! You gave your name just now — William Smith.’
    ‘Yes, that’s what I came out of the war
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