The Boy Who Came Back from Heaven: A Remarkable Account of Miracles, Angels, and Life Beyond This World

The Boy Who Came Back from Heaven: A Remarkable Account of Miracles, Angels, and Life Beyond This World Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: The Boy Who Came Back from Heaven: A Remarkable Account of Miracles, Angels, and Life Beyond This World Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kevin Malarkey; Alex Malarkey
that, he will die. You’ll negate what’s been started by my praying for him. But if every time you get scared or hear a bad report, you thank the Lord for His healing, He will do His part. Have you got it?”
    “Yes,” Beth said, nodding her head earnestly. “I got it.”
    “Okay, then. I want you to repeat back to me what I just said you need to do.”
    Beth dutifully repeated back his instructions.
    “Okay,” said Dave with approval. “God bless you.”
    With that, Beth proceeded to the trauma unit.
    Beth hurried into reception with our three youngest in tow. “Excuse me, my name is Beth Malarkey. My son William Alexander was just admitted. Can I see my son?”
    “No, ma’am. I’m afraid that’s not possible right now.”
    “If he is going to die, I want to say good-bye to him while he’s alive. You have to let me see my son!”
    Despite Beth’s pleading, the answer remained a firm no. Sadness and fear turned to frustration and anger. “This is unbelievable! How can they not let me see my son?”
    I arrived about ninety minutes later. Beth still had no information about Alex’s injuries and had not heard anything concrete about his medical condition. Over the next few hours, we would be told repeatedly that the situation was serious and that the doctors were working on our son. We would not be able to see Alex or get any information about him until he was moved to the ICU.
+ + + Just before I began to speak to Beth, I was suddenly filled with boldness. I told her that the medical staff were going to tell her that Alex would die. However, I had prayed for Alex in the name of Jesus and was confident he would live. Her job was to continue in faith and to thank the Lord continually for healing Alex. I cautioned her that if she gave in to fear and began to say he was going to die, he would. I spent several minutes reminding her that God honors His Word and that Alex was being healed as we spoke. As I walked away, that boldness left and I thought to myself, What did I do? I’m in trouble now. However, I didn’t speak anything contrary to Alex’s being healed; I just continued to thank the Lord.
    Dave Knopp, paramedic
+ + +
    No Condemnation
    When I walked into the hospital, a group of forty people had already gathered to pray and to support us. Some were family members; others were friends from our former and current church families; still others we didn’t even know. Everyone was eager to see that I was okay, at least physically. But when I entered the ICU waiting room, there was only one face I could see in the crowd.
    When Beth’s eyes met mine, I was flooded again with memories of the hundreds of times she had told me to drive more carefully, to slow down, to pay attention to the road rather than the CD player or the radio. And what about the many times I’d played in the backyard or the family room with Alex and Aaron, laughing and getting crazier by the minute, while Beth stood in the background and asked me if we were being careful? “Just relax,” I would always tell her. “Everything’s under control. Don’t be so overprotective.” I was certain these were her thoughts as well.
    As I looked into her face, feelings of relief, comfort, grief, and deepest sadness all jumbled together. Renewed waves of shame washed over my tortured heart. She embraced me warmly and lovingly, but deep down I felt I didn’t deserve it.
    “Beth! Is Alex alive?”
    “I think so. I think he’s holding on, but I haven’t seen him, and they’ve told me next to nothing.”
    In that instant the pain squeezed my heart so relentlessly that I collapsed into Beth’s arms.
    “Oh, Beth,” I sobbed as I clung to her for mercy, “please forgive me. Please forgive me! I’m so sorry. I’ve torn our family apart.”
    Sobs convulsed my body as grief washed over me in a tide that threatened never to ebb. For a moment, I dared to look into Beth’s eyes, bracing myself to take in the condemnation I expected to
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