The Boy Who Came Back from Heaven: A Remarkable Account of Miracles, Angels, and Life Beyond This World

The Boy Who Came Back from Heaven: A Remarkable Account of Miracles, Angels, and Life Beyond This World Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Boy Who Came Back from Heaven: A Remarkable Account of Miracles, Angels, and Life Beyond This World Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kevin Malarkey; Alex Malarkey
day home from giving birth to our fourth child, she needed to rest and recuperate, but instead she hung up from my phone call and went into high gear, getting the children ready for the hour-and-a-half drive to the hospital in Columbus, which was sixty-five miles away. Many people fall apart under pressure. Not Beth. In the midst of the most stressful situations, Beth is all composure. There may be a raging fire of emotion in her heart, but more than anyone I know, she has the capacity to completely subdue those natural emotions and do what needs to be done without giving the slightest indication of the trauma that has overtaken her. What an amazing blessing these qualities were now.
    Beth hadn’t thought too much of the line going dead on our original phone call; we live in a rural area and this happens fairly frequently. The second call was obviously a different matter. God had prepared Beth to some degree for this moment by helping her to endure a variety of previous struggles. Simply put, my wife is able to thrive in difficult situations.
    Beth did not need to say anything to our two-day-old son or our two-year-old daughter about the circumstances; they wouldn’t understand what she was talking about. She did tell our four-year-old, Aaron, that there had been a car accident and that they needed to get to the hospital to see his brother. Aaron cried, and she was able to comfort him for the moment. She then packed the three kids into the van and set out for the hospital.
    While en route, Beth received a phone call from the emergency room at Children’s.
    “Is this Mrs. Malarkey, mother of Alex Malarkey?”
    “Yes, it is.”
    “Mrs. Malarkey, could you tell us if Alex is allergic to any medicines?”
    For the second time, Beth asked an essential question, “Is my son going to live?” And for the second time the answer she received was maddeningly vague.
+ + + When Mommy told me Alex was hurt bad, I was scared out of my brains and didn’t know what to do. I thought Mommy was lying when she said Alex might be dead because I didn’t think that could be true. Aaron Malarkey, Alex’s brother + + +
    “It is serious, Mrs. Malarkey.”
    Soon after, Beth called her sister, Kris. She told her the little she knew of the situation. Kris is a registered nurse and a wonderfully supportive and empathetic person. After a brief conversation, Beth returned to her driving. She says she never drove over the speed limit during the entire drive, and I believe her. In fact, I have never seen her speed. That’s Beth: a rock under pressure.
    As Beth pulled into the parking lot at the hospital, she spotted a man wearing a MedFlight uniform. She quickly backed up, rolled down the window, and called out to him, “I have a six-year-old son who just arrived by helicopter. Were you on that flight?”
    The man walked over to her. “Yes, ma’am. My name’s Dave.”
    “Is my son all right? How bad was it?”
    Looking into Beth’s eyes, Dave said, “I have a question for you.”
    “Yes?” Beth said quizzically.
    “Are you a Christian?”
    “Yes, I am,” Beth answered, wondering where this was going.
    “Then listen to me,” Dave continued, intently looking into Beth’s eyes. “You’re going to go in the trauma room and you’re going to hear some horrible things. In fact, they’re going to tell you your son’s going to die. But I laid hands on your son and prayed for him in the name of Jesus. I’m telling you, he’s not going to die.
    “Now you definitely have a part to play in all this. The Lord is already beginning the healing, but when you go in there, fear will try to attack your thinking. I’m not telling you to go in there and argue. Be polite and listen; they know what they’re talking about. But as true as all their information is, God’s Word can change all that. I prayed for your boy in the name of Jesus, and he’s not going to die. But if you go in there and agree with what they’re saying and start speaking
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