The Blue Virgin

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Book: The Blue Virgin Read Online Free PDF
Author: Marni Graff
lodge. Who could be calling her at this early hour? Thoughts of her mother back in Connecticut made her increase her pace.
      She was slightly out of breath when she reached the kerb. “Who is it?”
      Simon took the leash from her. “It was Val. Something’s happened to Bryn. She needs you to call her back right away.” He stopped Nora by a touch on her shoulder. “Nora, be prepared. Val was crying so hard I could hardly understand her, but I could swear she said Bryn was dead.”


    Kate pushed the desk chair toward her and Nora gratefully plopped down. She was aware of Simon slipping away.
      “Val, I’m so very sorry. What do you need me to do?” Nora listened intently, grabbing a pen. Kate pushed a pad toward her. Simon returned with a mug of hot tea and left it by Nora’s elbow. “I’ll meet you there.” She replaced the phone and turned to Kate and Simon. “Bryn’s been murdered. Val’s being taken to the police station for questioning, and I need to be there. I’m leaving for Oxford right away.” She stood up, ignoring her tea.
      “I’m going with you,” Simon said.
      “Yes, Simon, you must. It’s only a day earlier. I can easily manage here,” Kate agreed.
      “No,” Nora said. “You’ve done so much already. I’ll be fine.”
      Of course you will,” Kate soothed. “But then Simon would have to take the train tomorrow. Besides, maybe he can be of help to you and Val.”
      “I’ll go pack,” Simon said, “and be ready to leave in half an hour.” He left the room without a backward glance. 
      “Kate —” Nora started to protest again.
      Kate stopped her with a hand up. “Nora, let him do this. He won’t let you drive there, not when you’re upset. It’s the right thing to do. Now go get packed and I’ll make you some sandwiches for the ride.”


    The Celica strained and groaned its way along the M40 toward the golden glow and magnificent spires of Oxford, a trip of more than four hours total if they didn’t hit traffic. The engine was on its last gasp, and there was little absorption left in the car’s shocks.
      Simon Ramsey glanced over at Nora, strapped into the passenger seat beside him, seemingly unperturbed by the bouncing. Her auburn curls bobbed loosely around her small face, glasses slipping down her nose as the car lurched. Pale lashes, darker where the ends fanned out against her cheeks, gave her a look younger than her thirty years. Nora had been largely quiet, lost in her thoughts since leaving Ramsey Lodge. They’d eaten Kate’s sandwiches after the first hour. Now the soothing strains of Beethoven’s “Pastoral” accompanied their journey.
      The engine whined again, and Simon hoped the old car would survive the trip to Oxford. Nora had arranged to trade it in for a slightly newer and definitely safer Volvo wagon next week.
      Simon had met Val Rogan when she’d traveled last spring to Ramsey Lodge, right after Nora had found out she was pregnant. Val had been full of enthusiasm, bubbling over with news of her new partner, Bryn Wallace. He’d liked Val immediately, responding to her artist’s nature, and understood why she and Nora were friends. Kate had liked her too, and his sister always had good instincts about people.
      Simon recalled his first meeting with Nora, his attraction to the petite redhead immediate. After learning Nora was recovering from her fiance’s death, he had held himself in remarkable restraint; except for that one gratifying afternoon just before she found out she was pregnant. He wanted to repeat it, and soon, but more than that, he wanted to swoop down and protect her from the outside world. He’d lain awake several nights trying to figure out if the child could possibly be his.
      He recalled her shock at finding out the antibiotics she’d taken for a chest cold just before Paul’s death could destroy the efficacy of birth control pills. He hadn’t envied her the tough situation she’d
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