The Blonde Before Christmas: a Barb Jackson Mysteries holiday short story

The Blonde Before Christmas: a Barb Jackson Mysteries holiday short story Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Blonde Before Christmas: a Barb Jackson Mysteries holiday short story Read Online Free PDF
Author: Anna Snow
you'd like."
    My phone buzzed. I grabbed it off of the table and checked the display.
    I accepted the call and put it on speakerphone, then sat it back down in the middle of the table. I figured that we were all working this case, and we might as well all get the same information at the same time.
    "Morning, Mona. What'cha got for us today?" I asked.
    "Morning, Barb. I'm guessing that I'm on speaker, and everyone else is there listening?"
    "Yes, we're here. How's it going?" Kelly said.
    "Well, I hate to say it, but I don't have much for you," she sighed.
    "We'll take anything you can give us at this point. I want to get this guy before he ruins everyone's Christmas."
    I didn't like to get inside information from Mona unless there was no other way because she was risking her job at the police station.
    But Mona was an adrenaline junkie with a no-fear mentality, so she gave me information whether I asked for it or not.
    "Your Santa's name was Marvin Garvin."
    Kelly snorted. "Please tell me that you're kidding? Marvin Garvin?"
    "I wish I was. The poor guy. All I can really tell you is what I overheard Detective Smith talking to Detective Black about this morning." She cleared her throat. "Marvin has two teenaged, estranged daughters. Apparently Marvin was a bit of an alcoholic, and a mean one at that, which is why he's been estranged from his kids and their mothers."
    "Why in the hell would the mall hire a mean drunk to play Santa Claus?" Kelly voiced the question we were all thinking.
    "He was the cheapest hire, I'm guessing," Mona answered. "You'd be surprised at how many mall Santa's are out there looking for a job this time of the year."
    "So two estranged daughters, mean drunk, anything else?" I asked hopefully.
    "There was mention of Marvin having a fling with one of his helpers." Mona said. "Bambi, I believe Smith said her name was."
    Kelly laughed again. "Bambi the elf? This just keeps getting better and better."
    Mona ignored her. "From what I gathered, Bambi and Marvin were hot and heavy up until last week. Also, the cause of death was from blunt-force trauma to the head. They've ruled his death suspicious. That's as much of the conversation as I could get before Smith left the building with Detective Black."
    I couldn't help but wonder if the other detective Mona mentioned was Smith's replacement. The handsome one whose image kept creeping into my head. I'd already decided, when I finally started dating again, I wanted one who at least looked like him.
    "He doesn't know anything about us looking into this case, does he?" I asked.
    "Not that I know of. But Smith is a smart cookie, so watch your step. I'm sure he'll be at the mall on and off all day today, so you're going to have to duck and dodge him if you want to get any investigating done on the down low."
    "Thanks, Mona. I'll let you know if we find anything."
    "Talk to you later, girls."
    I ended the call and slid the phone into my pocket.
    "I'll get started looking into Marvin. Do you just want the usual?" Mandy asked as she rose from her chair.
    "Yes, please." I nodded, stood, and then moved to the sink and sat my mug down on the countertop. "We should get going. We have less than twenty-four hours to get this figured out."
    Kelly stood and made her way to the living room. Mandy situated herself on the sofa with her laptop on her lap and Mickey curled up on her feet. My cat could be a bit of a traitor. Whoever was handing out the love was his best friend, be it me or the mailman, he didn't care.
    Kelly and I pulled on our coats, scarves, and gloves.
    "We should probably take your car," Kelly said. "My heater is still on the blink."
    "Good thinking." I agreed. "Call my cell when you find something," I called over my shoulder to Mandy, who was already hard at work.
    "Will do, boss. Be careful." She waved without looking away from the screen.

    The radio was buzzing with talk of the dead body found at the mall. But much to my surprise, the
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