The Bite Before Christmas

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Book: The Bite Before Christmas Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lynsay Sands
Tags: Romance, Fantasy, Adult, Vampires, Anthologies
read him. Even Elvi and Mabel are beginning to be able to read him and they’re still quite new to this business.”
    â€œOh,” Katricia breathed and bit her lip. “But then why shouldn’t I tell him—”
    â€œHe’s mortal, dear,” Marguerite interrupted gently. “It might be a little much for him to handle so soon. Just let him get to know you a little better first, maybe. You don’t want him jumping in his truck and heading back to Port Henry in a panic.”
    â€œHe can’t,” Katricia assured her and then quickly explained about the tree blocking the road and the power outage.
    â€œOh dear,” Marguerite breathed when she finished. “I’ll call Lucian and have him send some men to clear the road and—”
    â€œOh, no, don’t do that,” Katricia said at once. “If the road’s cleared he might leave. Besides, right now I’m staying at his cottage and sharing Decker’s food with him. If you clear the road—”
    â€œThere won’t be any need for you to both be at his cottage,” Marguerite finished for her with understanding and then paused briefly before asking, “So you have heat and food?”
    â€œI suppose there’s no real urgency to clear the road and get the power back on, then,” Marguerite murmured. “But call at once if the situation changes and you need things fixed quickly.”
    â€œI will.”
    â€œI’ll call Bastien about the blood delivery though,” Marguerite went on. “They can bring it in by snowmobile. Perhaps they can even arrange for a snowmobile to be brought for the two of you to use. That way you can still share the cottage but also get out to get provisions if you need them, or even just get out for a meal so you don’t get cabin fever.”
    â€œThat would be nice,” Katricia said, a smile curving her lips as she imagined Teddy sitting behind her on a snowmobile, his arms wrapped around her as they roared off into town for groceries or dinner. Or even herself on the back, holding on to him as he drove them back. In her experience, men tended to prefer to drive and she was willing to share . . . especially if it meant getting to ride with her arms around him and her chest pressed to his back and—
    Dear God, I’m pathetic, Katricia thought with a shake of the head. “Are you sure I can’t just tell him? He might be all right with it if he knew.”
    â€œHe might,” Marguerite agreed uncertainly. “I just think it’s better to err on the side of caution. This life-mate business is such a delicate thing. I’m just suggesting you maybe wait a day or two. Right now you’re a stranger to him, dear.”
    â€œYeah,” Katricia agreed on a sigh, her gaze moving to Teddy out by the truck.
    â€œI’ll suggest Bastien have the blood courier bring food, too,” Marguerite said suddenly. “And more blankets and— It might take a while to get everything together, Katricia. Are you okay for blood if it doesn’t show until tomorrow morning or later?”
    â€œYeah, I’m good,” Katricia assured her. “I can go two or three days without if I have to. Twenty-four hours is nothing.”
    â€œAll right then, leave it to me. I’ll take care of everything.”

    T eddy gave up on the lock with an irritated curse. He wasn’t getting into the vehicle any time soon unless he wanted to break one of the windows, and he wasn’t ready to do that. He might have, if the situation had been a desperate one, but it wasn’t. They had heat, food, and shelter. They even had coffee. They could stick it out for a bit.
    Sighing, he stepped back from the truck and glanced up toward the road, debating walking up to see if there was any sign of the snow removal men, or if a work crew had arrived to tend to the fallen trees. In the end, he decided
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