The Billionaire Wins the Game

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Book: The Billionaire Wins the Game Read Online Free PDF
Author: Melody Anne
boss, then you have another thing
coming. Just forget this night happened. I know I will. I’ll see
you on Monday, Mr. Anderson.” She struggled to pull free from his
iron grasp.
    Her words were escalating his temper.
It was like she’d thrown a cup of ice cold water in his face. She
would forget about what had just happened? Like hell she would. He
was close to reminding her once again of their chemistry. Only a
lot of years of tightly reigned in self-control prevented him from
doing just that.
    He wouldn’t be forgetting about her
anytime soon and he realized he didn’t want her to forget about him
either. He was sorely tempted to call her bluff but knew he didn’t
have the willpower to stop twice in a few minutes time. The next
time he started something they’d be somewhere it could be finished
and he’d make sure she was an active participant and not playing
the victim.
    Instead of kissing her, he turned and
pulled her along behind him. She fought him each step of the way
but he guessed she knew her words would do no good because she
remained silent. He reached his car and clicked the lock. He wasted
no time tossing her in the front seat and then walking around to
get into the driver’s side.
    He turned the car on and pulled out of
the parking lot. “Where do you live, Amy?”
    She was so seething mad she had to
count silently to ten before she could speak again. “I told you I
didn’t want to ride with you!” she finally spit.
    “Well, whether you wanted the ride or
not, you got it, so it would be really helpful if you would just
tell me where you lived. That is, unless you want to come back to
my place and finish what we started back there on the street,” he
    Once again, she had to count in her
head. She felt trapped between a rock and a hard place. The last
thing she wanted was for her extravagant boss to see where she
lived. She planned on getting out of there as soon as she had
enough money saved up. She thought for a few moments, then gave him
the address of a nearby apartment complex.
    She knew if he really wanted to find
her place he was perfectly capable, but on the other hand, she
didn’t see him ever having a reason to go looking for her,
    They pulled up to the building and she
saw a car turn on their backup lights. She knew she’d have to move
quickly or he’d insist on walking her to the door. He stopped to
wait for the car and she jumped out before he could stop her and
dashed around the side of the building.
    She said nothing to him, didn’t even
glance back to see his expression. She would assume he was furious
with her for getting the upper hand. Once in a while the man surely
had to lose a battle, even if she was sure he always won the
    Amy wasn’t taking any chances and as
soon as he was out of her sight, she went into a full blown sprint
and hid behind some shrubs. She stayed there for much longer than
was probably necessary. Finally, when she figured he was gone, she
crept out and snuck to the front of the building, peaking around
and looking for his car.
    The coast was clear. She
sighed to herself. She had about a two mile walk to get back to her
place and the shoes she was wearing were not made for it. Oh well she
thought, I may as well get
started .
    She said a silent prayer
she wouldn’t get mugged on the way. The neighborhood wasn’t exactly
what you would call family friendly and she was usually not out so late
    An hour passed before Amy arrived at
her place. She sighed in disgust. It was a very weathered, hundred
year old home that hadn’t been maintained. She’d scrubbed her room
from top to bottom for two days straight before ever sleeping
    She’d just needed to stay there long
enough to finish her college degree. She worked full time while
going to school, but had barely made enough to cover tuition, let
alone living expenses. She’d always been willing to do whatever it
took to make a better future for herself. She wasn’t
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