The Biker (Nightmare Hall)

The Biker (Nightmare Hall) Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Biker (Nightmare Hall) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Diane Hoh
    “I won’t! Just one ride, that’s all. I promise I’ll disappear then, and I won’t say anything to anyone. You don’t have to worry about that.”
    “Oh, I wasn’t worried about that,” he said, smiling slightly. It was a smile without warmth. He stood up, looking down on her with cool, pale eyes. “Because like me, you’re not stupid. You’re too smart to do something as dumb as telling on me. That would be the worst thing you could ever do. The worst, Echo.”
    The way he said that made Echo’s teeth ache, and she realized she was clenching them. It occurred to her in that moment that she might have made a really bad mistake.
    She didn’t unclench her teeth until Pruitt said, “I’ll think about it. No promises. Call you,” and walked away, with a new and arrogant swagger that she didn’t think he’d had before. Maybe she’d just never noticed it. After all, as he’d pointed out, she’d never noticed him before. Not until last night.
    It was easy to figure out why he’d taken to riding a motorcycle. Because the bike was all the things Pruitt wanted to be, but wasn’t. Strong. Powerful. Attention-getting. The roar of the engine must especially please him, because he himself was so quiet. Even when he’d been indignant with her, even when he’d threatened her (and she had not the slightest doubt that she had been threatened), his voice hadn’t risen. No wonder he needed a little noise in his life.
    I guess, Echo thought as she picked up her books and left the library, I’d better not plan on any lengthy, detailed conversations with him if he takes me for a ride. Between the sound of the engine roaring and the wind whistling around us, it will be impossible for me to hear such a quiet voice.
    So who needed to talk, anyway?
    Her heart skipping a beat every now and then when she thought about racing down the highway with the wind in her face, and thought about feeling free and daring and adventurous, Echo went back to Lester to wait for Pruitt’s call.

Chapter 4
    E CHO HADN’T THE SLIGHTEST idea whether or not Pruitt would call, but during the hour in her room before she had to go on duty at the infirmary, she stayed as close to the phone as it was humanly possible to get. She only left once, to race downstairs to the vending machine for a sandwich and coffee.
    “You’re expecting a call?” Trixie asked with as much disbelief in her voice as if she’d asked, “You’re expecting to be crowned Miss America?”
    “Hard to believe, isn’t it?” Echo answered drily. “But yes, I am expecting a call. So I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t keep the phone permanently attached to your ear for a change.”
    Trixie tossed her long, carefully curled blonde hair and said with disdain, “It’s Saturday night, Echo. I’m not going to be here. So there won’t be anyone distracting you from waiting for your little phone call.”
    Echo laughed. Trixie hadn’t said, “from answering your phone call.” Because Trixie didn’t believe the anticipated call would ever come.
    Echo wasn’t sure she believed it, either. Had she been convincing enough when she’d promised Pruitt that she wouldn’t tell?
    She ate her sandwich, drank her coffee, and lay down on the bed, not sleeping, not thinking, just waiting and hoping the phone would ring. She wanted that bike ride!
    Still, when the phone did ring, she jumped, startled.
    It was Pruitt. “No way am I coming to your dorm,” he said abruptly. “That’d be stupid. Meet me behind the infirmary, near the stone wall. Nine o’clock. If you’re not there, I’m taking off.” He hung up.
    Echo laughed aloud. The guy knew absolutely nothing about making polite, idle conversation. But then, it wasn’t her strong suit, either. And she was going to get her ride.
    First, she had an hour shift at the infirmary. Good. It would make the time go by faster. If she had to stay in her room until nine o’clock, she’d jump out of her skin.
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