The Betting Season (A Regency Season Book)
    A light snore emanated once more from the corner of the room and Pippa shook her head and sighed. “My poor aunt does find it difficult to keep Town hours, I’m afraid.”
    And that was the best news Jason had heard all day. “Well, you’re safe with me, sweetheart.”

    Unable to find words that wouldn’t make her sound like a ninny, Pippa only smiled back, certain her cheeks were stained pink. “Let’s do have a seat, my lord,” she finally said as she sat on the edge of the settee.
    Lord Colebrooke dropped down beside her and reached for her hand. Warmth raced up her arm, settling somewhere near her heart as his thumb traced circles across the back of her knuckles. “I have thought of little except you since our chance meeting, my lady.”
    What a lovely thing to say. Pippa’s heart fluttered. She had begun to worry that she’d never lay eyes on the viscount again. “I—I haven’t seen you anywhere since that day.”
    “ I’d feared you might have forgotten me,” he said, sounding quite pleased that she hadn’t. “Have you been looking for me?”
    “ I…that is…I’ve thought about you since that day, my lord. I suppose I hoped to see you at some ball or soiree.” Pippa’s face heated anew.
    His hand slowly trailed up her arm, leaving tingles and gooseflesh in its wake. His light blue eyes focused so intently on her, Pippa’s breath caught in her throat. “I’ve had business that required my attention,” he drawled smoothly, “but I’m here now.”
    “ B-business?” she stammered, her mind a jumble from his touch at her elbow. But she truly did want to know everything about him. What his interests were. What his family was like. How he occupied his days.
    “ Hmm.” His voice rumbled over her. “You have the most remarkable eyes. Did you know that?” His hand trailed further up her arm. “So pretty and innocent. I think I could stare into them all day.”
    Pippa’s insides melted. Unlike her friends, she hadn’t come to London this Season with any real hopes of finding a husband or seeking adventure. She’d simply wanted to enjoy the social whirl, attend the theatre, see the sights her brothers had talked about over the years. What were the odds she’d fall in love with a gentleman the very first week of her very first Season?
    Davis cleared his throat from the threshold, carrying a tea service and plate of biscuits on a tray. Pippa bolted to her feet and gestured to the table beside her Great-Aunt Eunice. “Right there will be perfect, Davis. Thank you.”
    The butler nodded, placed the tray on the table, and if Pippa wasn’t mistaken, purposefully tripped over Great-Aunt Eunice’s feet as he started to depart the parlor. Her aunt sat upright, her milky eyes wide once again.
    “ Who’s there?” Aunt Eunice demanded.
    “ Pardon me, ma’am,” Davis muttered on his way out the door.
    Pippa crossed the floor and laid a hand on the old woman’s shoulder. “It’s all right, Aunt Eunice. Davis tripped is all.”
    Her aunt nodded as though that made all the sense in the world. Then her eyes landed on Lord Colebrooke. “Who are you?”
    The viscount sat a little taller on the settee. “I—well…”
    “ Aunt, this is Viscount Colebrooke,” Pippa soothed. “My lord, this is my great aunt, Miss Eunice Mills.”
    “ Miss Mills.” Lord Colebrooke nodded in greeting. “So nice to make your acquaintance.”
    “ Who is your family?” Aunt Eunice demanded, suddenly taking her role of chaperone more seriously.
    “ My family?” Lord Colebrooke echoed, looking slightly pale all of a sudden. But before he could answer the question, Aunt Eunice’s eyes fluttered closed once more.
    Pippa heaved a sigh. “How do you like your tea, my lord?”
    “ Just a splash of cream,” he muttered as though he’d somehow found himself in Bedlam and wasn’t sure how he’d gotten there.
    Must Aunt Eunice be so…odd? Pippa quickly poured Lord Colebrooke’s tea, then offered him
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