The Bear's Mate
    “ Geez, sounds nasty.”
yawned. “I’m sorry. It’s not your company I find boring, but it’s been a long
tapped the back of her hand. “You know honey, you
don’t have to come by here every day to see me. I’ll be perfectly okay if you
miss a day.”
know, but that’s why I came back so you’d have someone to visit you, someone to
look after you when you get home. Someone to remind you how silly it is to try
and get up on the roof…”
“At my age.”
smiled. Mr. DIY he’d always been, but he was too stubborn to admit when you got
to be sixty you couldn’t do the things you could twenty years ago.
are your legs feeling?”
they’re both broken.” He laughed. He’d always been able to see the funny side
of things.
be up and dancing again before you know it.”
doctor said my days of doing the tango might be over.”
both burst out laughing at the same time.
run along honey. I’ll watch the TV, read my fishing books, and dream about
getting out in the boat again.”
    “Okay, but just because I’m tired. Maybe I’ll
bring one of the board games from home, and we can sit and play.”
you’ve got better things to do than sit in a rehab center with an old fart.”
when did you become an old fart?”
I went up on the roof and fell off. I want you to find yourself a charming
local Montana man, settle down and give me a load of grandkids I can babysit at
least once a week.”
    “Only if he’s as wonderful as my old
fart of a dad.”
leaned over and kissed his cheek.
going home for a nice soak in the tub, and then I’m going to have an early
you remember to water the plants and give them the plant food?”
nodded. “Oh and before I forget, Mrs. Newson wanted to know if it was okay to
come by and see you one afternoon.”
father pulled a face. His neighbor wasn’t all that subtle in her attempts to
pursue her father.
her maybe next week. I know she’s just trying to woo me.”
laughed. “I’ll have to put her straight about that then, no wooing Dad.”
out of her and stop teasing me, sweetpea.”
blew him a kiss and left.
would love him to find a woman to grow old with, but he’d had the most perfect
woman in her mother, and she doubted even the most wonderful woman in the world
could find a place in his heart. She pressed the elevator button to go down to
the main floor. She guessed growing up with the most in love, and perfect
matched couple was the reason she refused to settle for anything less than the
perfect man. Damn, her parents had made her set the bar so high maybe she’d
stay single all her life.
headed out to the parking lot and pulled up the collar on her jacket. A cold
wind had picked up, and it looked like more rain.   She didn’t know why but she suddenly thought
of Aiden Renner. She could still see those gorgeous blue eyes of his looking at
her before he planted a kiss on her lips.
got into her car and touched her mouth. Pity he’d had an ulterior motive for
the act.
checked on Christopher one more time before he left his condo. He’d made him a
sandwich and then helped him get into bed. He glanced at the clock on the table
beside it, just a few minutes past nine. The earliest he’d ever known his
brother be in bed and asleep. He pulled the door almost closed, hoping he
didn’t wake him. He’d learned his lesson about the consequences of trying to
have your cake and eat it too. However, while Aiden initially brushed off his
bad behavior as you’re an idiot, but I can put this right, so he didn’t feel
too bad, reality had now set in and he had a problem to solve.
sat down and looked out of the window. It was dark, and it would soon be time
for him to go and retrieve the vial of blood before any tests were run on it.
He took a deep breath,
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