The Battle of Ebulon

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Book: The Battle of Ebulon Read Online Free PDF
Author: Shane Porteous
Tags: Fantasy, Paranormal, kindle, Epic, Anthology, battle, legend, shared world
still sat upon
their Wargs. Although now they were completely still, scorched
beyond recognition like the centerpiece of a demon’s
    At the least the earth was
still once again and the soldiers were grateful for it. Several
horses had fainted, their senses overwhelmed by what had happened,
trapping their riders underneath their bulk. Ebulon had its fair
share of legends and yet no hero Juruz had ever heard of was
capable of anything like that. In that moment, he wasn’t afraid
though his heart still raced and his entire body trembled. He was
grateful that Cada Varl had come to help the city and not to
destroy it. Because an attack like that could easily bring down a
city wall in a shard of a moment.
    Every eye was now upon
Cada Varl who stood stronger than any mountain, the faint glow of
energy still around him. He had seen just how quickly the beasts
the Orcs rode could move, he had to be sure to kill them all before
they charged or made their escape.
    There was silence for what
felt a very long time, as each soldier tried to come to terms with
what had just happened. Before that could happen, the near-silence
was replaced by the sound of drums. Everyone including Cada Varl
looked into the distance where countless Orcs were on the march. It
was ungodly what Cada Varl had done, but many enemies still
breathed. Juruz knew he needed to take command and quickly turned
his horse around.
    “Nobody move,” came Cada
Varl’s voice, it was deeper than usual and more animalistic. The
soldiers of Ebulon waited with held breaths as Cada Varl watched
the oncoming mass of Orcs. It wouldn’t take them long to reach this
    Juruz could see that Cada
Varl’s eyes were still glowing and the flesh of his right hand had
become completely red. Cada Varl knew he had used too much of the
energy, he had gotten lost in the heat of the moment, these 500
Orcs were but an inch to the mile of enemies that were now coming
his way. When he had first seen their numbers he knew he would have
to use this power eventually, he just wished it wasn’t so soon. He
only hoped that he would manage to keep control of it. He glanced
over his shoulder and looked into the flinching eyes of Juruz
before looking back to the oncoming horde. He hadn’t come here to
be an observer.
    “I’ll kill as many of them
as I can, but if any do get passed me it will be up to you to kill
them.” Juruz couldn’t bring himself to respond, he watched silently
as without fear Cada Varl walked towards the countless mass of
Orcs, his eyes still glowing, his sword ready. As every pathway and
trail the eye could see in the distance became filled with Orcs
Cada Varl neither quickened nor slowed his pace, he just kept
    “And you said help would
never come,” Torin said to Ulka, in an attempt to add levity to the
air (which failed miserably).
    Ulka looked to his
companion briefly before looking back at Cada Varl. “If ones such
as he arrive to help the other entrances, than Ebulon will be
saved….” Ulka said, as awestruck as he had ever been. Torin nodded
in response before Ulka added. “Let us just hope that when he is
through with those Orcs…He’ll return to his own world.” Without
knowing it every single soldier nodded in agreement.

This Entry Point features
a character or characters from:
    How Gods Bleed by Shane
    Available now.

Entry Point 2
-by Walter Rhein

    Malik's head
    It had hurt for the last
few months, and oddly, the only thing that seemed to appease the
sensation was turning his head North and marching. If he turned
left or right from a specific line, the pain flared up around his
temples and didn't relent until he had oriented back on the chosen
course. Likewise if he tarried too long without making reasonable
progress. In that case, the pain seemed to start from the back of
his skull and surged forward without mercy towards his
    It ached.
    Even when Malik
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