The Arrival

The Arrival Read Online Free PDF

Book: The Arrival Read Online Free PDF
Author: CM Doporto
record me or inform the
Eslite guards when we said something alarming. Even though I had searched
through countless computer records, and hacked into my own digital tablet, I
didn’t find anything. Except for recorded conversations between Shiloh and me,
which meant I needed to be careful.
    “So, why are you getting dressed this
early?” Kate asked and then yawned.
    I looked at her through the mirror.
“Dimas called a meeting with me.”
    “What?” Kate shot upright. “Oh, my God.
Did he find out what we were talking about last night?”
    “I don’t know. I’m not sure why he wants
to meet with me.” Kate’s panicky nature didn’t help mine, but I managed to push
the negative thoughts from my head. Otherwise, I’d be a hot mess walking into
his office. “But he sent these for me to wear.” I held the shirt and jeans for
her inspection.
    “Really?” She rushed to my side and took
the clothes from my grasp.
    “Cute outfit, but why does everything
have to be black?”  She quirked her lips and then handed me the clothes. She
sat on the bed and pulled the covers over her legs.
    “I’m sick of black, too. At least it’s
something different.” I pulled the jeans underneath my black and
silver-checkered nightshirt. Holding the nightgown at my waist, I checked
myself in the mirror. Perfect fit. How in the world did he know my size? I
tossed the nightgown on the dresser, put on a black bra, and slipped into the
tank top and sheer blouse. Material gathered around the edge of the sleeves,
giving the shirt hints of ruffles, and tied at a scoop neckline. Even though
Dimas gave it to me, I hated to admit that I liked it.
    “So, what do you think?” I turned around.
    “You look good—and skinny.” She pouted
and then slumped further into the bed. “I hate that I’ve gained all this
    “Don’t worry, you’ll lose it as soon as
you’re off the hormones,” I reminded her, trying to cheer her up. Kate, along
with most of the girls, had put on some poundage, with the exception of a few
others, such as Jessica and me. The ‘supers,’ that’s what they called
us—superior donors. We were lucky because we didn’t have to take hormones, only
vitamin injections that kept our immune systems in tip top shape.
     “I hope so. She stared blindly at her
fingernails and then sucked in a breath. “Oh, no. What if Dimas wants you
to—you know?”
    “Don’t say it.” I shook my head and
squeezed my eyes shut, trying to stop the sickening thought before it became a
vivid image in my mind.
    “I’m sorry. I keep thinking about what
you said, and why is he sending you clothes that aren’t part of the uniform
requirements?” Kate’s fearful expression told me we suspected the same thing.
    “I don’t know.”  I collapsed beside her
on the bed. “But I have to admit I’m scared.”
    “I’m scared for you, too.” She leaned
her head against mine. “Come and get me the minute you get back, okay?”
    “Okay.” I blinked away the tears that
tried to escape my eyes. I longed to be home and in Bryce’s arms, surrounded by
his tender protection. I had no one to protect me. Not my father, not my
boyfriend, and not Kate. I was my only hope.
    Kate had wanted me to have breakfast
with her and Gaby, downstairs in the dining room, but I told her I wasn’t up to
it and would eat in my room. I needed to get my head clear before my meeting
with Dimas. I dumped my leftover cereal into the recycle bin and pushed the ‘food’ button.
    Over and over, I rehearsed what I would
say if Dimas confronted me about last night’s talk. I also thought about what I
would do if he forced me—if he raped me. Even though I was still a virgin, my
body felt violated in every way. Having two egg extractions and several pelvic
exams made me think twice about ever having sex or giving birth. Then again,
that’s all I had dreamed about, marrying Bryce and having a few children of our
own. Now, I didn’t know if
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