The Alien Artifact 8
everywhere with powerful
binoculars, including where the southern pole was, for anything
unusual and for water if they got trapped there but never saw
anything and realized they would have to be saved by the others
shortly or they would die of oxygen starvation.
    Yet as he was about to move away he wondered
where the hell the thing that had taken them there was, if it
actually existed, and he removed a device he had brought and
checked for any traces of it and found nothing and wondered what
the hell the outcome of it would be, if they survived, and if he
would always wonder what they had encountered there.
    When he arrived back where the other two
astronauts were he discovered Campbell still asleep and Rosenberg
gone, and he began watching Campbell strangely, and his lifeless
unmoving figure, and realized that he had not moved since he had
left, and he considered if it was just his spacesuit that made him
not move, and he started to wonder if there was something wrong and
rushed over and showed himself to him, moved up close, and examined
his unmoving face and gasped when he saw his hidden mouth
expression, as if he was screaming at something.
    He firmly shook him, still not believing
anything was wrong, and shook him hard, and he unzipped and removed
his glove and felt his cold hand and arm for a pulse, and saw his
cold lifeless complexion, and was amazed that there was no pulse,
and that he had been dead and had not noticed anything.
    He searched his spacesuit for any rips or
holes, and wondered if it had been a fault in his spacesuit, and he
realized that he had best record a message on their camera of the
incident and gave a record of the occurrence, and checked the
various functions of the spacesuit, and had its computer check him
further and was surprised his death had not been oxygen
    In the end he removed his helmet and whole
spacesuit and sat back staggered, as large sections of his body
were gone, as though something had removed them viciously, as
though a wild animal had attacked him.
    Suddenly he spotted marks on the ground where
something had obviously happened.
    Rosenberg suddenly rushed out from behind him
and gasped, and crouched over the body, and he observed him
examining the body, and fall back with blood covering his

Chapter 6
    What astounded
him was how deadly and vicious whatever it had been was! If it was
what had taken them there!
    What the hell
was it? How could it be so advanced and vicious? Was it some form
of alien animal that got its prey with special powers? Yet how did
it manage force an entire shuttle into going there and what form of
prey did it live on? The planet was virtually empty of life!
    In the end he
realized he could not believe it without more evidence, and
whatever it was it would have to be left until they could check it
    What also
surprised him was that Rosenberg had been away, and looking about
like him, since he woke up!
    He was also
surprised that he had found something hidden away in the distance,
which he never knew the identity of, and Rosenberg took him over to
a region at the other side of the hill, from where he had gone, and
he showed it to him and they examined it with their binoculars, and
he realized it was artificial, and that it had been there some time
and partially buried in sand, and was hidden behind a small hill
from where the shuttle was, and from it being observed from where
he had been at the other side of the hill, and on the above hill
    After examining
it he was surprised that it was at about the same distance away as
the shuttle and virtual in a straight line with it from there, and
just hidden away from it, and he wondered how the hell it could
have ended up so close to it. The planet had hardly anything on it
and the south pole even more so.
    The chances of
two objects coming down there was immense, and after examining
everything he wondered if it could be just space wreckage.
Something from some
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