Texts from Jane Eyre

Texts from Jane Eyre Read Online Free PDF

Book: Texts from Jane Eyre Read Online Free PDF
Author: Mallory Ortberg
where to even START
there’s a heart in the floor
and it will not shut uppppp of beating
but that’s not even the main thing
 there’s a cat with one eye that keeps calling me a murderer
  did you murder anyone?
 you know what you sound like right now?
     do I sound like the cat 
     you sound like the cat with one eye 
     I’m just asking because you said you had a heart in the floor 
     I said there WAS a heart in the floor
not that i HAD a heart in the floor
there are a lot of reasons a person could have a heart in their floor
not just murder reasons
 thanks a lot though

Treasure Island
you want to know where the treasure is?
i don,t care
i dont care
 i’ll tell you
     You will? 
     tell you about treasures
 tell you about all the treasures i wanna tell you about
     Thank you
Thank you so much
  this could end the fighting between the men
     no but Jim
Jim Jim Jim Jim
     I’m listening
  I’m ready
     listen to me
the real treasure is friendship, Jim
you and me is the real treasure
if I could rename Treasure Island
Id call it my friend jim island
 I would

jim remINd me
 how many legs do you have
     no no no no yes
how many legs
do you have under your body
 like for walking
     I’m sorry
  I shouldn’t have brought it up
     is it two
 because if it’s two
     are either of them A STICK 
     it’s two 
     then sounds to me like you’re one LUCKY Jim 

     This is a joke to you?
You laugh?
  This is my death warrant
     what devilry is this?
  how came you by this symbol?
     it’s emojiiiis 

     hey jimbles 
     theres a LOT of things you can bury you know
 not just treasure
     what have you been burying? 
     what have you buried? 
what can’t you bury jim
im just saying if you want to bury something besides treasure
you probably can
what are you doing right now
hey can u look something up for me
how long do birds live
 specifically parrots

jim r u awake
sleepy jimmy i gotta
i gotta tell you something
you can’t maroon your problems jim
thats your problem
jim you can maroon some of the people some of the time
and you can maroon all of the people some of the time
wait thats not right
because if you maroon everyone
then its not really marooning
because everyone’s all there together
look jim
Jim shut up
the point is
the point is you can’t keep marooning your feelings
your problems
my problem is that one of my legs is a stick
plus i have all this treasure i stole
but your problem is
you got real problems lucky jim
you up?
 i’m coming over i bet youre up

Gone with the Wind
    Part II
it’s been hours since the men left
and there’s still no sign of the O’Haras
  how ever did you manage it
     well I had to buy time, you know
so Sam and the others could change out of their
Confederate uniforms
and escape
so I told her
I’d help with the baby
 when Melanie’s time came
     You didn’t! 
     I did
but then wouldn’t you know it?
it turns out
 I don’t know a thing about birthing babies
     you’re terrible 
     I’m afraid I wasn’t very helpful at all
 and slowed things down considerably
     Prissy, you’re a marvel 
     Try growing cotton this year on salted farmland, Miss O’Hara 
     You know, I suppose Scarlett was right
The Yankees couldn’t take Tara
and the carpetbaggers couldn’t take Tara
 But I could

Part III

“The Yellow Wallpaper”
I couldn’t help but notice
 that the gate at the top of the stairs was ajar
     which suggests to me
that a certain someone
has been going downstairs
 can you think of who that might be?
     Oh dear
Oh John, I’m sorry
I called for you but you weren’t at home
no one was home
  and I was so thirsty
 you know that going downstairs makes you
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