Tempting Her Reluctant Viscount
course I accept your apology.”
    Michael watched as Hope turned bright red. She seemed positively horrified. No wonder he didn’t think she was the type of girl to play the market. This was a proper young lady, who behaved as a proper young lady ought, regardless of the inanities of what was considered “proper.” And yet, there was something about her…something that made Michael think that if Hope Stuckeley were given half a chance, she could be the most extraordinary woman.

Chapter Four
    Just when you think you have someone figured out, he or she surprises you.
    ~The Duke of Lancaster
    After Michael accepted Hope’s apology for not accepting his apology—which seemed ridiculous, but he didn’t want to appear churlish—he went ahead and answered her original question.
    “Actually, I began following one of the men late last night. He led me to the other two and eventually to where you and I bumped into each other.”
    Hope’s brow crinkled up adorably in confusion and she asked, “Why, then, did you start to follow the first gentleman?”
    “Well, I was in a hotel in Dover last night—”
    “You followed him all the way from Dover?”
    Michael simply gave her a sidelong glance before continuing his tale. He filled her in on all the details of the unexpected visitor. “Then the man took his leave…and, being suspicious of the entire event, I followed.”
    “May I ask why you were so suspicious, my lord?”
    “Of course you may ask, Miss Stuckeley. There is no need to stand on such formality given the circumstances, don’t you think?”
    “No, I suppose not,” Hope answered, though it was clear she thought that a little formality might not be such a bad idea, considering all the oddities of the day.
    Michael thought he might agree with her there, but continued nevertheless, “As it happens, I am somewhat acquainted with the actual Du Bourg and I knew immediately this man was not who he claimed to be.”
    “Oh dear,” Hope breathed. “That is suspicious. And you followed him all the way here to London, watched him join up with those other two and continue through the City as they did?”
    “Precisely.” Michael watched a myriad of expressions flit across Hope’s face. Obviously, what he had witnessed meant something to her. Something he had not yet figured out himself.
    “My word, but that is terribly ingenious,” Hope whispered, mostly to herself.
    “ What is terribly ingenious?”
    “Oh, I am sorry, my lord,” Hope was quick to reply. “It is just that I think everything you witnessed this morning and then what we both saw this afternoon has been an elaborate hoax to somehow manipulate the Stock Exchange.”
    Now it was Michael’s turn to be confused. “What do you mean?”
    “Do you follow the Exchange at all, my lord?”
    “Will you quit calling me ‘my lord’? It’s Michael.”
    “Oh no, my lord. That would be most improper…” Hope replied, blushing a deep scarlet.
    “I have given you permission,” Michael pointed out, “therefore, it is perfectly acceptable.”
    “Oh, all right,” Hope chirped, “if you insist.”
    Michael couldn’t help but chuckle. The more he thought about it, the more he liked the idea of Miss Stuckeley addressing him by his given name. And furthermore, he would like to be given license to use her first name as well.
    “And may I call you Hope, Miss Stuckeley?” he found himself asking quietly, locking his eyes with hers. His hand itched to grab hers, but he was afraid he would frighten her with the sudden intensity of his desire to be more than just an acquaintance. Because, for the first time, Michael found he was able to have an intelligent conversation with Miss Stuckeley, rather than just staring at her, slack-jawed. Perhaps it was her costume that distracted him enough for him to keep his wits. Or perhaps it was just the oddness of the situation.
    Whatever it was, Michael wanted to take advantage of his loquaciousness while he could and
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