
Temptation Read Online Free PDF

Book: Temptation Read Online Free PDF
Author: Brie Paisley
I don’t think anyone could get used to. And worse of all, I know the whole town looks at my parents this way too. As if it’s their fault I got pregnant. Malcolm’s parents of course haven’t felt any of this embarrassment. All they have to do is threaten not to give any more money to the community or to help with any town projects and they leave them alone. Makes things seem even more unfair. Why is it that I’m the one getting all this unwanted attention? It’s not like I knocked up myself! People seem to overlook that little detail. Especially when they can see my belly and what I’ll be bringing home with me in a few months.
    Finally, the ceremony is over. I quickly get up and go in search of my parents. People are everywhere. It takes me longer than I expect to find mom and dad. I don’t even participate when everyone takes off their caps and tosses them into the air. I just want to get out of here. I want to put this past year behind me and never look back.
    I see mom waving at me and I smile secretly thanking her. Mom has been so supportive since I told her my decision to keep the baby. She goes to every one of my doctor’s appointments when Malcolm forgets about them. I don’t think there has been one day that she hasn’t called and asked me how I was doing. Even dad has been super supportive. But that’s just my parents. They have always been there for me and I love them all the more for it.
    I walk up to mom and she instantly pulls me into a tight hug. Dad kisses my forehead and I can see how proud they are of me in their eyes. Mom looks like she has been crying a bit.
    “Oh, honey, I’m so proud of you. I can’t believe my baby just graduated.”
    “Mom, don’t cry. Hey, have either one of you seen Malcolm? He promised he would be here.”
    I see a look pass between my mom and dad. “What? He’s not here is he?”
    “Ava, honey, I’m sorry. He called your dad earlier and said something came up.”
    “Wait. Why would he call dad and not me? Dad?” I look at dad and he seems at a loss for words. I can see he hates that I’m being let down yet again by the one person who said they would be here for me.
    “Ava, I don’t know what to tell you. He called and told me to tell you he had something to take care of. He wouldn’t go into detail. I’m sorry, baby.” Dad tells me as he pulls me to him and rubs my arms.
    He’s comforting me, but he shouldn’t be the one doing it. I cannot believe Malcolm isn’t here. I know this isn’t the first time he’s lied to me. I’ve lost count of how many times he has said he would be somewhere and then never shows up. I never ask him where he goes instead, or what he does. A part of me knows I should stand up for myself, but the other part of me, is scared to death what he’ll tell me.
    We start to walk out of the gym then my parents stop to talk to some of our neighbors. I nod and smile, not really listening to what they’re saying. I just want to go home and put this day behind me. It’s supposed to make me happy I just graduated, but all I feel is regret and sadness. I gaze around at my former classmates, seeing their smiles and hearing their laughter. I clench my teeth when I spot Casey with her clique of friends. She turns my way when one of the girls points to me and I realize what a cold-hearted person she really is. I stare as she rolls her eyes and says something to them. They hide no shame when they turn their gazes at me and start to laugh and point. I hate that I feel remorse about our friendship. I hate that she still continues to ignore me and talk about me as if I don’t matter. I turn away, finally realizing, Casey will never accept I’m different from her. I don’t come from money or talk down to others like she used to do. I hate I let myself be bullied over this past year, but now there’s nothing I can do to change it. I won’t regret making the right choice to have my baby and do what’s best for him or her.
    The only thing
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