limited amount of hard information available on them, however, you are in a unique position in the galaxy to gather information directly from the source.”
Ellie brightened up immediately. “I never thought of that! Thank you Sarah!”
O ffice of the Base Commander
Alliance Apollo Base
Selene, Earth’s moon
Sol System
“O kay folks, here’s the deal; we know that two seed hives have made it to the surface of Earth. However, we do not have an absolute fix on either hive,” Vance began as Sarah put up the images taken of the impact sites.
“We have tagged these two sites as Alpha and Bravo. Site Alpha in located in the northern hemisphere of the planet in a heavily forested, uninhabited area of a country called Canada. While there are no population centers near the impact site, I have been assured that there is plenty of wildlife in the area to sustain the hive well past maturity.
“Currently, the Command ship, Honor of Vengeance, has taken position directly over site Alpha and has been attempting to track all the diverse life signs in an effort to better locate the hive. Initial reports have confirmed the amount of wildlife in the area, and in point of fact, it will be difficult for the scanners to locate what we need. I have requested two of our Earth biologists to make the journey to the ship in order to assist in the search. Once located, this will be your first target.”
One of the company commanders indicated he had a question, and Vance nodded to him. “With respect Sir, why a ground assault? Once we locate them, can’t we just use an orbital to glass the area? It seems to me the wider damage corona of a heavy mount laser would be far more effective at killing them all than a ground strike.”
“You’re absolutely correct, Captain Hargan. This would be an ideal orbital strike target, and we may very well have to resort to that. However, the answer to your question is the Bravo Site.
“The second impact site is also very isolated, but in this case even the wildlife is scarce. It hit just south of the equator in a very large, very arid desert. While the continent itself is heavily populated and has abundant wildlife, the Bravo site is far from those areas. I am told the average daytime temperature in this area can reach well past the upper limit for human survival without special precautions. Because of the nature of the sand in this desert, a heavy carbon silicon composite, our scanners cannot penetrate past a few inches. While we doubt the heat will affect the Aracs at all, the lack of any type of life in the area will make it impossible for us to locate the hive before it reaches maturity.
“This is the reason for the ground assault on the Alpha hive. We know that when one hive is hit, all other hives on the planet react immediately regardless of distance. When you hit the ground at the Alpha site, half our fleet will be over that desert with their scanners looking for any movement. Once we have a positive identification on the location of the Bravo hive, we will use an orbital strike to destroy it, but on site verification will be required. Earth is a core world now people, we can take no chances or make any assumptions, is that understood?”
When they all indicated that they understood, Vance continued. “Now, there is one other thing I need to tell you. Trust me when I tell you that I don’t like it any more than you will. When you hit the ground, there is a good possibility that the people of the planet will attack you.” He had to hold up his hand to quiet the outbursts from the Marines.
“Earth is very primitive, at least politically, from what we are used to on our own worlds. Their leadership is mostly driven by greed and power. They will do everything in their power to get any scrap of technology they can lay their hands on, and they will not hesitate to use force to do it. I’ve been told that the soldiers themselves will