Taming the Fire
control—that's the beast,” Kira explained. “But according to the cryptozoologists, her tribe was peaceful and nurturing, so deep down, that's who she is. Chances are, she's got a soft spot for those who are strong but not in control of themselves. It's something she understands. She doesn't like fear but she appreciates someone who needs true protection. Like a momma bear, she'll take you in if you play it right.”
    “Fuck,” he'd muttered.
    “You're going to have to fight every single natural instinct you've got,” Kira said. “I know how hard that's going to be for you, but the fear could actually work in your favor—”
    His knee-jerk reaction was to tell Kira that he wasn't scared. His fear was actually something deeper—based on the way Kira spoke of Rik, the Dom would sense it. Her protective instincts would be fierce.
    “As long as she knows you're strong, she'll respect that,” Kira continued.
    Trance wondered if Rik knew what it was like to be both strong and afraid.
    In his first career, he'd dealt with that combination of forces quite a bit.
    When he'd first entered the Army, he hadn't cared what Military Occupational Specialty he'd be slotted for. But when it became apparent during basic training that Trance had a gift for stopping the drill instructors in their tracks and calming them with his hypnotic gaze, he'd been flagged for the law enforcement field. Following basic and twelve more weeks of specialized police instruction, he'd been assigned to Leavenworth.
    While working as an MP in corrections at the prison, he'd completed most of the special tactics training and had been privy to all Special Forces training, had gone through Ranger School, done the Delta thing and BUD/s, as well as Force Recon and PJs. Any school that taught men how to escape from the enemy, Trance had learned those tricks. He was big and he was strong and most of the prisoners respected him. Those who didn't tried to fight him or were scared shitless of him.
    Thing was, he didn't want Rik to be afraid of him. He told himself that he could only imagine what it must be like to have that beast living inside of her, waiting restlessly for a chance to break out, and then he called himself a liar. He knew exactly what it was like, had a similar beast inside of him—an inhuman strength that had been the bane of his existence since he was a young boy and discovered just how powerful—and lonely—his gifts left him.
    He wasn't sure exactly what it was going to feel like to completely surrender to her tonight. He hoped that Rik wouldn't give him more than he could manage.
    But as he sat in the club's lounge and watched her work the place while ignoring him, he started to think she was already giving him more than he could handle.
    She hadn't acknowledged him once in the hour since he'd arrived, had left him in an infuriating holding pattern. And all around him, memories kept him on edge. The erotic moans coming from all sides, the sharp cracks of leather on skin, the smell of hot candle wax and sex… His stomach churned.
    Watching Rik walk around in studded leather while touching other men only heightened his anxiety. He burned to take her beneath him and show her exactly why he should be in charge, but a bigger part of him knew that Rik could hold her own against him in bed, without restraints on either of them—and that part of him wanted to test his theory.
    Which was seriously fucked up. She was an HVT—a high-value target—and he was playing a role. Just a role.
    Of course, when she finally turned in his direction and crooked her finger at him in a come-here-now gesture, his dick led the charge, because it wasn't buying the whole it's-just-a-role thing.

    Ulrika never ever saw a client twice, and yet here she was with Trance again. Granted, they hadn't finished their first session, but still. She'd sensed his strength, his utter lack of submissive genes, had known he'd be trouble. She should have ended last night's
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