Tall Poppies

Tall Poppies Read Online Free PDF

Book: Tall Poppies Read Online Free PDF
Author: Janet Woods
    Mrs Mortimer nodded. ‘That will be you, Carr, since you’ve had the day off while the rest of us have been doing the work of six.’
    Connie Starling found the courage to give an unbelieving snort, though she quickly turned it into a cough.
    â€˜I’d be pleased to look after her.’
    â€˜I’ll see if I can find someone older to nurse her tomorrow, though the person I have in mind won’t be qualified, she’s strong. I’ll call in to see Mrs Sangster in the morning.’ The doctor took Livia aside. ‘Now, young lady, I must tell you what to look out for. Nausea and, or, vomiting, slurred speech, confusion  . . .’ He ticked off the symptoms on his fingers and made her repeat them back before he handed her his card. ‘Good girl. Telephone me if you need to, or if there’s anything you’re worried about.’
    â€˜Doctor  . . . I should like to look after Mrs Sangster, if I may? I know I haven’t had any experience, but we get on well together.’
    â€˜Won’t that leave you with a housekeeper short?’
    Livia nodded. ‘I suppose it will.’
    â€˜Perhaps Florence can do the maid’s work instead. She’s very practical. Let’s leave it up to Mrs Sangster.’ He stared at her for a moment. ‘Were you the person I puddled on the road?’
    She nodded. ‘I was already wet, though  . . . I’d come off the train from London.’
    His smile had also been passed on to his son. ‘They say that mud is good for the complexion, but your complexion already looks perfect. I’m sorry.’
    â€˜Your apology is accepted.’
    â€˜It’s sweet of you to let me off lightly. I should have taken more care.’
    He was just as nice as the younger Elliot on the train. ‘Doctor, do you have a son called Denton?’
    He looked surprised. ‘Are you acquainted with him?’
    â€˜We took the same train this morning, though he got off at Southampton. He only just managed to catch it because the whistle had gone and the train had begun to move. He practically bowled me over with his kit bag as he threw himself through the door.’
    â€˜I hope he had the grace to apologize, too.’
    â€˜Yes, he did, and very nicely.’ If she were to overlook the stolen kiss  . . . or even if she didn’t, she amended.
    The man laughed. ‘That’s Denton for you  . . . always in a hurry. He takes after his mother.’
    â€˜The way you were driving, I rather think he takes after you, Doctor Elliot.’
    He laughed, and pulled on a pair of brown leather gloves. ‘I’ll take more care on the corners from now on, I promise. There are enough casualties caused by the war, without creating some of my own at home. Denton has been on leave. He’s going back to one of the field hospitals. He was going to join the practice when this damned war is over, though the way things are going I’ve a feeling that he may become a surgeon.’
    â€˜You must be very proud of him.’
    â€˜I am.’
    Mrs Mortimer coughed. ‘You’re keeping the doctor from his duties, and it’s about time you got on with yours, I think, Carr. Poor Mrs Sangster shouldn’t be left alone for all this time.’
    Doctor Elliot winked at her. ‘It was nice to talk to you, Miss Carr. Don’t be afraid to call me if I’m needed.’
    â€˜I will, Sir.’
    He was gone, his head butting into the pouring rain as he made a dash for the car. So, Denton was a doctor as well, she thought, as she closed the door with a final wave.
    â€˜Don’t you ever do that again, Carr,’ Mrs Mortimer snarled.
    â€˜Do what?’
    â€˜Show yourself up by flirting with a visitor to this house, especially a man invited here in a professional capacity.’
    â€˜Show myself up? We had a normal conversation; in fact, he was a very
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