Tall, Dark & Apocalyptic
knife, holding it in two hands at her waist. If he lunged—
    She took a deep breath. “I don’t expect you to understand my motivations…”
    He snorted. “That’s good.”
    Ignoring him, Yeira went on. “But if you believe nothing else I tell you, believe this, I only want Edwige dead.”
    He shook his head. “I don’t believe that.”
    “It’s absolute truth.”
    His sexy gaze narrowed, sharpened. “Prove it.”
    “I have been proving it. You just haven’t been paying attention.” When he continued to stare at her, apparently waiting for her proof, Yeira frowned. “Have you never wondered why you and I have run into each other so often in the reborn nests?”
    “Not at all. I’m well aware that you’ve been one step ahead of us. Somehow you always know where we’re going next and when. It’s been a source of great concern among the hunters. We’ve been working to find out where our information leak is.”
    “There is no leak.”
    The hunter shook his head and a black ribbon of hair stuck to the bristle on his square jawline. “There has to be. Unless you expect me to consider our parallel paths as a monumental coincidence.”
    Yeira longed to reach out and skim the hair away from his face. Her fingers tingled with the need. “That would be highly unlikely.”
    His gaze widened in surprise. “I’m glad you agree. So, since we’re on the subject, why don’t you tell me who the Sorceri traitor is?”
    She was tempted to do just that. But she was trying to gain his trust and lying to him was not a good way to do that. “I assure you, my information doesn’t come from within your organization.”
    “From where then?”
    “Higher up.”
    He frowned. “How much higher?”
    “Much higher.” She slowly lowered the knife, letting it hang at her side. Watching him carefully for any signs of aggression, Yeira hoped he’d take her action in the spirit it was intended. As a sign that she wanted to work with him rather than against him.
    “It isn’t important anyway. If you work with me you’ll have access to the same information I do.”
    That seemed to catch his attention at least. “You’re telling me you can help me find all the nests?”
    “No. I mean, yes, I could do that. But that’s not what I’m interested in doing.”
    The hunter’s expression went from one of disbelief to one of anger in the blink of an eye. She noted the fisting of his big hands and her own hand tightened on the hilt of the knife. “Stop playing games with me, dead one, or I swear I’ll lop your head off and call it a day.”
    Yeira assumed a nonchalance she didn’t feel. “Take a deep breath, Hunter. Once I’ve achieved my goal you can kill all the evil reborns you want.”
    “And what exactly is your goal? You asked me to believe that you and I are on the same path, but now you tell me you have no interest in killing zombies.”
    “I don’t care about killing reborn s.” She lifted an eyebrow on the emphasis. She was sick to death of the derogatory term. What Edwige was creating with her black magics was far from a moldy, decaying zombie. By calling them that the hunters were badly underestimating them. The reborns were a deadly, evil work of art. “I’ve been trying to get information from them. That’s all.”
    “What kind of information?”
    “Edwige’s location, her activities.” Yeira let her words sink in for a moment before she went on. “My goal isn’t to kill Edwige’s reborns. It’s to kill Edwige herself.”
    Kord’s expression didn’t change, except for a slight tightening of his jaw that she recognized as him being outside his comfort zone. It hadn’t taken Yeira long to understand what made the big hunter tick. He had a fairly simplistic view of the world as a black or white enterprise and he considered himself white while anything with death magic in its veins was the oiliest black. By necessity, Yeira had a different viewpoint. Though she supposed they’d both end up in the
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