Taken By The Alien Hero (Romance, Alien, Adventure)

Taken By The Alien Hero (Romance, Alien, Adventure) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Taken By The Alien Hero (Romance, Alien, Adventure) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Lucy Sin
the 30th lash landed Ilham saw Roshon’s knees buckle. He had remained silent during the whole ordeal. Though his back was laid open and raw, he did not flinch or shy away from the whip. He had endured. Now it seemed he was at the end of his endurance.
    When the 40th lash landed Roshon’s legs gave out completely. Blood ran freely down his back and onto the sands of the courtyard. He had not yet uttered one word or complaint nor begged for mercy. For a moment, his gaze met hers and Ilham’s resolve snapped.
    Roshon was delirious with pain, but he could’ve sworn he saw Ilham run towards him, throwing her body between him and the Ward sent to administer the punishment. He tried to focus for his female’s sake.
    She was being attacked by Alarian males. Three had tackled her to the ground and were dragging her away. She was shouting something and he could not quite make it out. Roshon forced his broken and exhausted body to focus. They were hurting his female! He couldn’t let it go on!
    With every ounce of strength, he had left in him he roared. All activity ceased as the male strained against the chains that bound him. He was wild-eyed and half mad. They were going to hurt his female and he had to get to her. That was all he knew. He pulled against his bonds impotently calling her name desperately.
    “Ilham! Don’t fight! Come here! Don’t hurt her!” he begged. He had never begged anyone for anything in his life, but he would beg for the life of his female.
    Ilham freed one leg and kicked an attacker in the face, knocking him unconscious. In a smooth series of motions, she dislocated the arm of the second and bit the third until he freed her. Running to Roshon, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her tear stained face into his neck. He sighed with relief and smiled at the spotted female.
    “I am okay, Ilham. Be good. Don’t fight.” He crooned in her ear as if she were an upset child. She nodded obediently and slowly made her way back to her spot.
    There was a loud murmur among the members of the tribunal. Roshon could not tell what they were saying, nor did he care. After several minutes the Ward was instructed to finish the last 10 lashes, Roshon only remained conscious for 8.

Chapter Eight
    Roshon woke up to bright lights and the smell of jysum.
    “Good morning sleepy head. How are you feeling.” Ilham’s cheerful face came into focus.
    “Where am I?”
    “The infirmary. They say that you should be fully recovered in a few days. There should only be faint scars.”
    “That’s too bad. Chicks dig scars.”
    “What about you, princess? Are you okay?”
    “I am very well. I have been given a clean bill of health and cleared for travel.”
    “Travel? Where?”
    “With you.”
    Roshon blinked several times, trying to make sense of what she was saying.
    “You are to go with me? What about the guild and the insemination?”
    “You cannot fill a vessel that has already been filled.” Ilham beamed. Again Roshon took a moment to fully comprehend what she was saying.
    “Are you…bearing young?” Ilham nodded happily.
    “We are the first bonded pair to successfully conceive in a generation.”
    Roshon would have leaped in the air and roared if his back didn’t hurt so much.
    “And the guild?”
    “I am still a member, just not in good standing. I am technically a defective. So I am free to go where you go. Once they saw that we really are a bonded pair, they had to let us both go.”
    Roshon reached one hand out and caressed the abdomen of his female. His young one was now within her. It overwhelmed him and he was thankful that he was already lying down.
    “I should congratulate you both on playing your roles so well,” said Zaffa as she came into view. The matron was met warmly by Ilham.
    “This was part of your plan?” asked Roshon.
    “Unfortunately I could not think of any way to demonstrate to the Tribunal, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you two were, in
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