Tail of the Devil

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Book: Tail of the Devil Read Online Free PDF
Author: Danielle DeVor
came over, sniffed his fingers, and began licking them. Mathias sank to his knees by the pen keeping his fingers where they were. Tears fell. It was as if everything, his parents, his situation had come to a head. What hurt the most was that the only thing around that cared enough to comfort him was the dog. He missed his mom so much. “If I ever get out of here, I’m taking you with me,” he said to the dog.
    And then, he heard footsteps behind him. Mathias turned his head. The bulk of his cousin stood over him. At sixteen, Timmy was about six feet tall. He wasn’t fat, but he was solid. To Mathias, he looked like a bear.
    “Aww, widdle baby misses Mommy and Daddy?” Timmy said in a bizarre high-pitched voice.
    Mathias wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. “Just leave me alone, okay?”
    Timmy grabbed Mathias by the front of his shirt and pulled him so close that their noses were almost touching. “Listen, you dick. You don’t order me. I’m in charge, get it?”
    The big oaf dropped Mathias to the ground with a thud. Before Mathias could move, he kicked him hard in the ribs.
    Timmy stood there, grinning. “Remember, cross me, and you’ll get it.”
    Timmy turned and went back into the house. Mathias watched, trying to catch his breath. As Timmy walked into the house, Mathias looked up and saw his aunt at the window. She was smiling. She had to have watched the whole thing. But, what scared him the most was that it was a proud smile. He was doomed.
    * * * * *
    On the day of his parent’s funeral, Mathias woke to the sun shining. It was ironic that on the day that made it official that he was never going to see his parents again, the sun would be shining. Most people would think that it would be a sign from God that everything was going to be okay, but Mathias knew better.
    He was in a daze getting ready. Almost as if he was trying to make it all not happen by not being consciously there, but when he saw his parent’s caskets he couldn’t stop himself and began to cry.
    He felt a sharp pain in his shoulder. Mathias turned him head and saw Timmy, smiling.
    “Fucking pussy.” Timmy whispered.
    Mathias didn’t grace his cousin with an answer and turned his head back in the direction of his parents. He didn’t want to say goodbye like this, but it wasn’t as if he had a choice.
    He stood there as long as he was allowed. But eventually, he felt fingernails press into his arm.
    “Come on Mathias, we need to get going.” His aunt said.
    He let her to lead him away. There was no sound. No breeze. No nothing. It was almost as if time has stopped for that one moment.
    He didn’t remember being in the car. He didn’t remember the reception at the church, although he was somewhat aware that he’d eaten. The only thing that he was conscious of was his head hitting the pillow and everything going black.
    * * * * *
    The day his aunt decided to leave him alone with the “monsters”, that had been the worst. It was a normal day; at least it felt like one. Up at dawn to start breakfast, Mathias hurried through his chores. He was just placing the food on the table when Aunt Annette stormed in.
    “I’ve had enough of this rat hole. I’m going to Harrisburg. I need a new dress anyways . I’ll be home sometime this evening. Timmy, you’re in charge.” She smiled. “Make sure to take care of things the way I like.”
    “Yes, Mommy,” Timmy said.
    A chill crept into Mathias’ bones. Timmy was the mastermind behind most of the tortures that he was always being subjected to. He watched his aunt leave and hoped to be able to hide out the day, but he wasn’t that lucky.
    Timmy was a giant compared to Mathias. And he had the mind of an amoeba, but he was strong. Mathias knew that if the larger boy managed to catch him, he might as well figure he was done for. Rick and Claire wouldn’t be any help. Nine and ten respectively, they adored their older brother and did everything he said. Nothing ever seemed to faze
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