Sworn to Protect

Sworn to Protect Read Online Free PDF

Book: Sworn to Protect Read Online Free PDF
Author: Katie Reus
    Athena didn’t want to talk about her personal life at work. At least not on her first day and not until she knew Raegan better so she gave a non-committal shrug. “I’m going to check the schedule for the changes you sent me but after lunch do I have any free time?”
    Raegan nodded. “About forty-five minutes before your first conference call.”
    “Good. Plan to meet with me in my office then. I want to go over some of the Vegas details and we can do some brainstorming.”
    Raegan blinked once in surprise but said, “That’s great.”
    Athena hurried to her office and did a quick scan of her schedule for the rest of the day and the full week. It was jam-packed and for that she was grateful. She didn’t like having spare time at work. Staying busy made her happy and feel useful. She knew she’d have to prove herself here, especially in the beginning, so she wanted to tackle everything full force. It was too soon to know for sure, but from what Athena had read from Raegan’s resume and the woman’s general attitude, Athena had a feeling she would be a big asset.
    After she’d caught up on what she needed, Athena shelved thoughts of work and picked up her purse, coat and stood. She hoped they’d be walking somewhere since she wasn’t taking a long lunch or even her full hour. Definitely not on her first day. There was simply too much to do.
    Downstairs she found Quinn in the spacious, quiet lobby talking to a man with a Mohawk. The hairstyle seemed out of place but the guy was tall and ripped just like Quinn and had that same military air about him.
    Quinn straightened slightly when he saw her, his look going all predator again and sending her mind into a tailspin. What was up with him? She didn’t do hot and cold so during this little lunch she was going to make sure he understood they were just going to be friends. Not that she particularly wanted to be friends with him, even though she did genuinely like him. But she could do the mature thing since they were working together.
    He was the one with the issue anyway and he’d had his chance with her. Since he’d lost it, anything else happening between them past friendship was a moot point.
    She smiled at both men as she approached, shoving all those pesky thoughts aside. Time to put her game face on.
    “Athena, this is Travis Sanchez,” Quinn said, making quick introductions.
    The big man nodded once, an easy smile on his face. “I’ve heard good things about you from Noel.”
    Athena blinked once before recognition slid into place. “You’re Noel’s husband?”
    He nodded once, that smile still in place.
    “Man she can make some serious hot chocolate.” Athena had been at Lizzy’s place when Noel had brought her own baby over for a ‘play date’ with Lizzy’s boy. Since neither kid could walk or talk it wasn’t much of a play date as far as Athena could tell. It had been more like a reason for the women to talk and relax—and she couldn’t blame them.
    His face flushed with pride. “Yeah, she makes everything from scratch. I was just telling Quinn that you two should head over to her coffee shop. They do Paninis, salads, soup and stuff like that. You can walk there and the service is fast.”
    She looked at Quinn, eyebrows raised. “Sounds good to me.”
    He nodded once.
    After saying goodbye to Travis, who was heading back into work, she walked out with Quinn. A cool rush of air rolled over her as they stepped out into the bright day. It might be in the fifties, but she didn’t bother with her coat. Not when there were no clouds in the sky and the sun felt so good against her face. “I can’t wait until it’s spring,” she murmured, putting her sunglasses on.
    “Summer’s my favorite,” Quinn said, doing the same with a pair of aviator-style shades that made him look too sexy for his own good.
    The street was relatively quiet, with a few people strolling down the sidewalk all bundled up since Florida was actually having a
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