still standing outside his door.
I can do this, I can do this , she chanted silently to herself.
Hand shaking a little, she knocked on Helios’ door.
There was a muffled answer, which she took as a sign for her to enter. “President?” She never made the mistake of calling him Helios again since her first day in the club. She didn’t have the courage to, not wanting to have Helios Andreadis look at her like she was trash, someone unfit to say his name.
Quietly slipping into Helios’ room, MJ made her way to the window without difficulty despite the darkness. After raising the blinds, she turned to greet Helios good morning but the words died in her throat.
It was going to be one of those days again then.
No sound of squeaking wheels, no rumbling engine, no mad laugh from James. No one hurting her, no one trying to hurt her, but it still felt the same. Sometimes, MJ felt like this hurt worse. This.
The woman in Helios’ room, in his bed…in his arms…stirred. The blanket lowered, baring one breast.
MJ forced herself to move. She stopped behind Helios, his back to her, his golden hair spread on the pillow like sun-kissed silk. Her hand hovered over his shoulder. It was hard to touch him during days like this. “President?”
MJ’s sweet voice, threaded with hesitation, reached him like a caress. Helios had woken up the moment she had entered the room. But he hadn’t said a word, hadn’t moved a muscle. He didn’t know why. There were so many fucking things he couldn’t understand about himself whenever she was around, and he loathed it. Sometimes, it was almost as if he loathed her , too.
Helios sensed her hesitating to touch him. It angered him, this hesitation. She had been with them more than half a month now, and yet she only displayed such reluctance with him. Why? Did she not find him attractive at all? He was the oldest member of the club, with Kellion the closest to his age at twenty-one. One-fucking-year difference! Did that matter to her so much?
Or perhaps , Helios thought grimly, it was because he was no fun . Kellion traded jokes with her. Yuri made her laugh. Even Andreus, notorious for his bad-tempered ways, could be made to laugh in her presence.
It was only him.
Only him that she did not—
“Don’t touch me.” Helios knew the moment she was about to touch him, knew that she didn’t want to, and the knowledge enraged him. Her dislike for touching him infuriated him so much he wanted to hurt her in return.
One moment, Helios was lying on his side, then the next moment he was sitting up, the blanket falling to his waist, revealing a broad expanse of chest. His fingers encircled her wrist, and his gaze was cold as it fell on her face.
The fury on his face made her bite her lip. Hard.
Don’t look at me like I’m hurting you. How can I hurt you when you despise me? It was what he wanted to snarl at her, but he did not. To speak such words meant that he felt something for her, and that could never be.
He released her wrist. “What do you want?”
She could only look at him miserably. When he spoke so coldly like that, her vocal chords just gave up on her.
“Ergh…urgh…argh…” She snapped her mouth shut and couldn’t help but glare at him. See? She couldn’t speak. Surely by now he should know that he could make her so nervous she just couldn’t speak in his presence?
Helios glared back. “I have no fucking clue—”
A knock on the door cut him off before it opened, Yuri appearing at the doorway. “Hallie says breakfast is ready. You can start working on the rooms now, MJ.”
Without a word, MJ left the room, head bowed. Not caring if Yuri saw her, she then started to run towards the bathroom at the end of the hallway and locked herself inside it.
She stared at herself in the mirror. Instead of seeing her reflection, she saw Helios with a naked girl in his bed.
She threw up.
Chapter Five
“Chat with us,” the
Carol Durand, Summer Prescott
Stella Price, Audra Price, S.A. Price, Audra