Surrender, Book 3 The Elfin Series

Surrender, Book 3 The Elfin Series Read Online Free PDF

Book: Surrender, Book 3 The Elfin Series Read Online Free PDF
Author: Quinn Loftis
random pat down,” Cush said. His jaw was clenched so tight Elora wondered how his teeth didn’t shatter. “I simply made it clear that if he touched her I would crush his hands.”
    “Oh is that all?” Oakley chuckled.
    “Poor guy,” Elora said in a voice that was forlorn, though when she looked at Cush she knew he saw the wicked gleam in her eyes. “That might have been the only action he would have had in a long time.”
    “Elora,” Lisa admonished though not very convincingly.
    “He can touch someone else’s female,” he said in a deathly low voice. “No one touches you.”
    Elora knew better than to continue to tease him when he was feeling all possessive and protective so she let it go. But she continued to watch him and he continued to seethe. Elora was a little confused as to why he was still so upset over it, and she was just about to ask him when a voice came over the intercom.
    “Attention passengers of Continental Airlines flight 233, we apologize but your flight has been put on hold for some routine maintenance of the aircraft. We will attempt to move as quickly as possible to keep your wait as short as we can. Thank you.”
    “Routine maintenance,” Elora huffed.
    “It probably won’t be long if it’s routine,” Syndra offered attempting to soothe Elora’s ruffled feathers.
    Elora glanced at her brother. “You’d better be the bearer of bad news. If I tell them I’ll add lots of expletives and have to blame it on my dark elf half.”
    “What she’s not saying,” Oakley started as he looked from Cush to Syndra, “is that when they say routine maintenance it usually means there’s a massive leak in the gas tank, or half the engine is suddenly on the ground. They don’t want to cause any fear by telling us what is really going on.”
    “So basically the nice human just lied to us,” Cush pointed out unnecessarily, his face just as tight as it had been since going through security.
    “It’s a form of customer service,” Lisa offered. “Keep the consumer happy and ignorant and hide everything else under the rug. Welcome to the American way.”
    “I always said humans were weird,” Syndra said as she sat back into her chair attempting to get comfortable. Elora didn’t know why she was even trying. Sitting in airport chairs was about as comfortable as sitting bare-butted on a cactus. Okay, so maybe she was exaggerating, but not by much.
    Elora stood up and stretched her arms above her head attempting to work the kinks out. If they were going to be stuck here for a while, she was going to have to move around and get the blood flowing to all of her extremities again. She could see Cush standing up behind her from the corner of her eye, but she didn’t bother to acknowledge him. He would give her some space, but he wouldn’t take his eyes off of her.
    She walked over to the huge glass windows that looked out over the tarmac where the planes docked for loading and unloading. She watched as men in blue jumpsuits and yellow vests hustled about, each moving with purpose and efficiency. It made her think of an anthill with all the little worker ants scurrying here and there to get their tasks done. Her eyes were drawn to the plane that had their flight number on the side, and she attempted to find what could be wrong with it. Granted she knew there wasn’t going to be a huge sign with an arrow that said ‘faulty propeller.’ Nothing could ever be that simple.
    Elora was just about to turn away from the window when fluid movement—much too smoothly to have been made by a human—caught her attention. Her eyes narrowed as she stepped closer to the window; her nose nearly bumped into the glass. She was sure it had to be a trick of the light but then two other men seemed to materialize next to the first one. Her eyes widened. “You sneaky, sneaky elves,” she muttered under her breath as she watched three dark elves working alongside the humans, only she was pretty sure they weren’t
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