
Superhero Read Online Free PDF

Book: Superhero Read Online Free PDF
Author: Victor Methos
Some poor guy with cancer opens a medicinal marijuana dispensary and the feds raid it like he’s Al Capone. I can’t take the hypocrisy.”
    “What’dya think government work is, Jack? You think you go out there and do the most efficient thing to achieve your goals? No way. Government’s not run for profit so no one cares how much money you’re spending. At least until election time when the pinheads on the hill gotta start talking about budget cuts.”
    “This is different. They put me in places, Will, that you wouldn’t believe. It was almost like they wanted me to get killed. Like it boosts morale or something. I just couldn’t handle it anymore.”
    “Well, whatever the reason, I’m glad you’re home.” The burgers came and William took a large bite, grease mingled with mayonnaise dripping down his chin. “So,” he said with a mouthful of burger, “what you gonna do now?”
    “I was thinking of opening up a Hapkido dojo.”
    “No way? Really? I’d love to see that. I always thought you’d be good at running a studio. No money in it, though. Some of the other studios charge so little you can’t compete with them.”
    “It’s not about the money for me. It helped me when I needed it most. I think it can do it for other kids.” He took a bite of salad. “So what’s going on with you?”
    “Same old same old. I’m working the high-profile cases now. I don’t know why, but someone up in Command liked a few things I did. Hopefully I’ll get bumped to Lieutenant soon and can get outta RH.” He took another bite of his burger and then a bite of a fry before sucking down some soda. “This one case, though, I gotta show you the video; it is something else. The Myrs I was talkin’ about? The dreadlocks? They robbed a bank. First time ever I think. And their leader, or something like that, walks in. Well, ‘walks’ isn’t the right word. Barrels his way in. He bent the doorframe. There are holes in the stone floor where he walked. The guy had to be at least seven feet, seven five, somewhere there. And built like a tank.”
    “How much did they get?”
    “Quarter mil. Never seen anything like this guy, though. He was throwing around police cruisers like they were toys.”
    “I had a case once where I had to take down a distributor who was a PCP addict. When we went in for the takedown, he was so high he started running into a wall to get away. He threw his body into it so many times he finally broke through. Busted every bone in his body, but he got through.”
    William shook his head. “This is something different. I’ve never seen a guy like this before.” He waited a few moments and said, “I could sure use some help on this.”
    “I’m not LAPD.”
    “I bet the commissioner would be psyched if you got back on the squad. Look, opening your own dojo would be fun and all, but think how much good you could do out here. With the knowledge you got locked away in your head? You could clean this town up.”
    “I’m not a cop anymore, William. I don’t think I ever was.”
    He nodded. “Well, that’s a shame. For the city.”

    Jack spent the day taking his niece out shopping. He told her he would buy her whatever she wanted but their deal was that she had to catch him up on everything that had been going on with the family.
    After they were done shopping he took her to Universal Studios. He remembered the place vaguely from his youth. Something about seeing so many children running around comforted him. In the places he had been, there were no children. Or they were locked away where no one could see them.
    It was nearly evening by the time Jack dropped her off. He gave her a hug and she thanked him before running off to the door with her bags from Neiman Marcus and Tiffany’s. Jack waited until her mother answered the door, waved, and then sped off.
    He went to the car dealership and bought another Viper, telling them to drop this
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