Summer Magic

Summer Magic Read Online Free PDF

Book: Summer Magic Read Online Free PDF
Author: Rochelle Alers
brother and sister team to the kitchen.
    Stephanie made quick work of cleaning the refrigeratorwhile Caryn rinsed fruits and vegetables before storing them in their respective bins.
    Stephanie removed the dust covers from the furniture and wiped away layers of dust from the highly polished pine floors. The odor of wax mingled with the tangy smell of salt water as French doors were opened to take advantage of a rising ocean breeze.
    Logan and Steven carried a gas grill from the second-level storage room and set it up at the rear of the house. Logan took the empty tanks into town to fill them with propane while Steven carried the white wicker porch furniture down the staircase and set them where Caryn directed him to place each piece.
    Logan returned with the filled tanks, and he and Steve set up the grill, making certain it was operable. The smell of hot charcoal wafted in the evening air as Steven and Stephanie completed their chores. They thanked Logan effusively when he paid them, promising to return again in two days.
    Caryn sat on a cushioned love seat on the porch, her bare feet cradled on a matching cushioned wicker ottoman. The whirling blades of the overhead fans managed to cool her moist face. It was almost seven o’clock, and she hadn’t realized how tired she was until she sat down. She’d been up before five, on the road at six, and the twelve hours had blurred into one. She had planned to take her time settling into the house, but with Logan’s intervention it was accomplished in less than six hours. Her stomach rumbled, but she was too tired to get up and prepare something to eat.
    Logan made his way slowly up the porch steps, his gaze fixed on Caryn as she lay sprawled on the love seat. He knew by the slight drooping of her eyelids that she was exhausted.
    He had fed Domino, walked him, and put him in his cage for the evening. It would take another couple of weeks before he trusted the puppy enough to have the run of the house.
    Taking a chair opposite Caryn, he stretched out his legs, crossing his feet at the ankles. “What are you doing for dinner?” he asked quietly.
    “Nothing,” she replied, not opening her eyes.
    “Aren’t you hungry?”
    She smiled. “I’m starved, but I’m too tired to even attempt to get up.”
    “What would you say to eating out tonight?”
    She opened her eyes and stared at him. The sun was behind his back, making it impossible for her to see his expression. The rules she had set up were falling away quickly. She didn’t want to see Logan any more than she had to; and there was certainly no need to share her meals with him. She needed to be alone to sort out the uncertainties in her life, and she couldn’t do that if he intruded at every turn.
    “I’ll pass,” she replied. “Thanks for the offer.”
    Logan rose to his feet and walked around to the rear of the house. Moments later she heard the sound of his Jeep as he sped away. She waited until the sound faded completely, then stood up and went into the house.
    Pulling her weary body up the staircase, she made her way down the hall and into her bedroom. Somehow she managed to go through the motions of brushing her teeth and showering before she collapsed, facedown, on her bed. A cool breeze swept over her naked body as the sun set and a full moon rose, silvering the room with an eerie light.
    She didn’t hear Logan return or Domino’s excited barking as he was released from his cage for his final walk for the evening.
    And she didn’t hear or see Logan as he walked into her room to check on her, stopping short when he saw her bare form sprawled out across the bed.
    Retreating quickly, Logan closed the door, gasping painfully as his body reacted violently to the scene inexorably branded in his head.
    Even after he stood under the icy spray of a shower, hestill could see the perfection of Caryn’s long, slim legs, rounded hips, and the lush fullness of her breasts against a floral sheet. Her unbound hair flowed
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